Friday, January 18, 2013

Signs John Likes [and more]


From the archives ...

A Rocky Mountain sunrise

More recently, within the last week, ...

Seattle city-view sunset
Small dot right in the center is crescent moon

Be sure to check out Skywatch Friday.

Weekend reflections ...

Digging through the archives for reflections, we found the two photos below.  Snapped while driving through a small mountain town in Montana, the scene is reflected in the hood of the car.  Hadn't noticed this before and hope it qualifies for entry in Weekend Reflections! :-)

Be sure to check out Weekend Reflections for more reflection photos.

Signs John Likes

John says:

Since my earliest days of interest in photography (not exactly the dark ages, but pretty close) I've enjoyed snapping a photo of unusual or interesting signs.  I haven't taken it to the extreme of trying to actually find signs worthy of a picture, but rather just snap a photo when the camera is along and the sign captured my attention.

Here is my earliest one, from a Texas back road at a railroad crossing.  Unusually candid:  If it's a tie, you lose.

Since I love trains, I'm always on the alert for railroad crossing signs.  Have you ever seen one with the tracks shown like this? Maybe back in those days the workers at the sign shop had a little more time on their hands.

(Can't really remember, but think it may be at the same RR crossing as the first sign, and was a replacement for the older one that was getting pretty weathered.)

More vintage:  Do you read this "Slow Trucks" ... or "Slow, Trucks ..."?  Either way, watch out for the "explosive"!!!!

Somewhere, way back there, I came across a list of "Prohibited Items" posted on a chain link fence.  Seems comprehensive, but recall being amused by "camera OR film" ... well, how dangerous is film without a camera? Also, they were concerned about matches, but not just any matches ... the "strike anywhere" kind could get you in trouble.

Here's a list of "don'ts" ... again, it seems to cover quite a lot.  You will have to look at the large view to appreciate these, but how about that "no loud or rowdy activity"?  Wow, where's the number to call the cops?

In more recent years, I spotted the next sigh in the Treasure State (Montana) where I guess you have to understand these things.

What happens if it starts raining when you're half way down this road?

Even more recently, this sign in downtown Seattle amused me.  How kind of us, as taxpayers, to reserve parking spaces for foreign organization licensed vehicles.  This is what I call treating visitors right!  Does your city do this?

Lastly, a sign or maybe not ... it doesn't have any words on it ... but it's Seattle, after all ...

Thanks for stopping by John's Island!  Your comments often lead me to a new and interesting blog, so thanks in advance!


  1. Beautiful skies, great reflections and an amazing variety of signs!! I do believe you've captured it all!! Hope you have a great weekend!!

  2. i did chuckle at a couple of those signs. my favorite photo was the skyline shot. :)

  3. Very creative, this post, John ! I like your collection of road signs : some of them are really tricky : yes I would alway wonder what to do if I was on that road "impassable when wet" and it started to rain... You reflection shots are very cool too.

  4. THose are very interesting signs and definitely bring a smile or two.

  5. superbe le ciel de la premiere photo !

  6. Creative reflections ~ ^_^

    Great post also ~ lovely photography ~

    (A Creative Harbor) ^_^

  7. Creative reflections ~ ^_^

    Great post also ~ lovely photography ~

    (A Creative Harbor) ^_^

  8. I love the skyline shot. Not sure I want to be where you found the "don't" sign. - Margy

  9. Great sky and reflective pictures but I like the signs best. I have seen some funny ones too and they always end up on my blog. Too funny. MB

  10. That "prohibited items" sign is wild! Great find.

  11. Stunning sky! and beautiful reflections:) Don't think in L.A. are signs like that (who knows it would cause a riot, lol!)

  12. Beautiful sky photo and great reflection in the car hood. Interesting signs too.

  13. Very interesting signs, John. I especially like the last one. Drew me right in! :-)

  14. What kind of car polish do you use? Reflections off the hood are very impressive.

  15. Merci de votre ajout a mon blog,mais mon blog photo est ici :

    pas sur celui que vous avez ajouter.

    Bon w end !

  16. Wow! This is the most stunning Island I've ever been:) A little slice of heaven you've got here, John. I will definitely follow you. :)

    Have a good weekend.


  17. came over to answer your question on the ads on my blog. i use google adsense - easy to add through your dashboard menu. up to 3 ads placed on your blog if you like. they try to pick up on keywords from your posts and place ads that match (i.e. if i do a post on 'critters', i might get a pest control ad on my blog).

    the income is if people click on the ad to obtain more info. it is pennies per click, but can add up over time. for me, i leave them there to help offset the costs of frames and postage for my monthly giveaways. the income is slow, but every little bit helps... :)

  18. I am all about a witty sign!! Are you a sign proof reader? I have the nasty habit of picking headlines, signs, etc....apart for "correctness"....but at least they entertain me. So glad to see you are a fellow birder, and gardener!

  19. Great post John - love the reflections but even more the signs! What fun -

  20. This is a great post with many great pictures. I really liked the picture of the sky and clouds.


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Snow Stamps Skies Ships

Welcome to John's Island. In this post ... 1. Snow in Seattle. 2. Vintage stamps from my stamp collection. 3. Colorful Seattle skies. 4....