Friday, January 11, 2013

Dahlias! [Part 4] and more ...

Before we get to our January feature (the dahlias of last summer) here are a couple of more recent views. First for our friends at Weekend Reflections we couldn't resist the next photo.  Snapped while walking around Green Lake, within the last week, it really seemed impossible to tell where the real tree stops and the reflection in the lake starts.  Can you tell?

Then, on another day, we were looking at what might be another John's Island profile picture.  Compare our bare "winterness" to last summer's glory (posted August 18th) ...

And, as for our friends at Skywatch Friday today's sky:  As you can see, it's another blue-sky morning in Seattle.  The view is from our window and, in the next picture, an enlargement of the snow-capped Olympic Mountains in the distance to the west.  Yes, it is chilly out there!

Dahlias! [Part 4] 

This seems like a great time to enjoy archived photos from last summer.  Continuing our pictures taken at the Northwest Dahlia Association garden in Volunteer Park ... Thanks to all for stopping by John's Island and we really appreciate all the kind comments!

"Kari Fruit Salad"

"Aipen Matthew"

"Raeann's fun"


  1. Pretty pics John!
    That last one reminds me of a peppermint :)

  2. i like that "more" very much! especially the pic with the golden light.

  3. the flowers are beautiful, but i love the trees and reflections. :)

  4. Each of todays pictures are beautiful in their own way.I love flowers so the Dahlias fill that spot,but I also love scenery and reflections. You've covered them all. Thanks.

  5. The reflection are so beautiful and those dahlias are such a nice keepsake from summer ! I love to be able to enjoy those rich colors right in the middle of the cold season...

  6. superbes reflexions tres bien prisent bravo !

  7. superbes reflexions tres bien prisent bravo !

  8. Yes, it's cold, but I'll take it. What a blue, blue sky we've got today! Love the dahlias, too. :-)

  9. Love those dahlias and seeing the bees on them :)

  10. FLowers-snow-the Cascades....for what more could I ask. Your dahlia close-ups are stunning in their color and detail. genie

  11. In my old neighborhood, there is a lady that grows dahlias and I enjoyed seeing her garden blossom each year.

    Stay warm in Seattle...I hear its been chilly.


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Snow Stamps Skies Ships

Welcome to John's Island. In this post ... 1. Snow in Seattle. 2. Vintage stamps from my stamp collection. 3. Colorful Seattle skies. 4....