Tuesday, January 2, 2024

The Chief Invites You

To Glacier National Park, 1929.

The Invitation sent out by
Chief Two Guns White Calf
for Season June 15th - Sept. 15th, 1929

The Chief extends his invitation in this booklet, published 1929, by the Great Northern Railroad.

I hope you can click on the images to see the large view ... which I hope you will be able to read. The Chief would not appreciate my sending out an invitation with print too small to read.

At least you should be able to enjoy the images. And, NO, I don't care if you copy them! ðŸ˜Š

The booklet was mailed from St Paul, Minnesota, in 1929, when postage for the booklet was 1 cent. Unfortunately, the postmark is smudged, so the exact date can't be determined.

I would sure like to know if Ella Schilling visited Glacier.

What is your guess?

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UPDATE: In my original post, above, I should have mentioned that the Chief’s Invitation is to visit both Glacier AND Waterton Lakes. Glacier is a National Park in the USA and Waterton Lakes is a National Park in Canada. They are adjacent and separated only by the International Border between Canada and the USA. The Glacier portion is in the state of Montana, and the Waterton Lakes portion is in the Province of Alberta.

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Linking up with these sharing parties ... thanks to the hosts ...

Michelle's Thankful Thursday

Eileen's Saturday's Critters


  1. Hello John,
    Glacier NP and Wateron are two places hubby and I have visited. Glacier is another beautiful park, with stunning views. I enjoyed seeing your Glacier NP brochure, a great memorabilia. Take care, have a great day and week ahead!

  2. What an awesome brochure, I love the poster with the Chief. Well, I'd certainly enjoy a 4-5 day stay at the Glacier--I need to look this up and see what's there today! And John I can't answer for Ms. Schilling, but her address is only 15 minutes from my place. :^)

  3. It took me some time, using my magnifying glass to read all about the Chief's invitation, but I did it. I suspect she didn't go, but I'm not sure why. I would take her place but I'm a little late... :-)

  4. I would love to visit this park. There are so many incredible parks in the U.S. though it would be hard to choose.

  5. I would love a stay in Glacier. What a beautiful place.

  6. Surprising how much you can find about Yellowstone at that time. Also surprising how many people traveled at that time.

  7. An amazing historical document from a part of the world I have not visited. I suspect that only the well-to-do could afford to travel back then and they did it in style.

  8. Hello John :=)
    You have so much interesting memorabilia about the time when travelling was very different than it is today in the Rockies. I do like the image of the Chief Two Guns White Calf on the front of the booklet, and all the other photos. The natural beauty of Glacier National Park would entice me to visit if only I could go back in time and experience how it was then, but I would also love to see it's wonderful scenery and wild life in this century.
    All the best for 2024,

  9. Many thanks for sharing this John.
    Such good memorabilia, and I do like the Chiefs name!

    I hope the first week of 2024 has started well for you.

    All the best Jan

  10. The best your post serve is making me familiar to series of awesome national parks of America and Canada: )
    This is wonderful nostalgia from past when travelling was a task specially for tourists I believe.
    Health peace and happiness to you to you and family!

  11. I was able to see and ready everything except for that smudged postmark. I love both Glacier National Park and Waterton Lakes National Park. I have been to both Parks many times and covered lots of ground in each. I even got to stay at the Many Glacier Hotel. I was curious about the caption on the Escorted Tours page reading as "Many Glacier Hotel, Lake McDermott. " I had never heard of Lake McDermott before so did some googling and even pulled out my National Geographic Glacier/Waterton adventure map to see the lay of the land. While, I am no further ahead on what I went searching for, I did end up remembering all the wonderful times I had hiking the trails in this beautiful park! I would love to have visited this place back in those days when it was rough and rugged and wild! Thank You for this post!

  12. I visited Glacier and many other US National Parks in 1975, and loved Glacier maybe the best. Going to the Sun highway was wonderful to traverse (even in our camper van), and we met our first marmot, as well as enjoyed glacial meadows. THanks for the good reminder!

  13. Hello John
    Just stopping by again to say many thanks for your recent comment on the low carb diabetic blog and for giving the link to the very interesting WebMD article. There were some very good tips within the article some of which I do practice ...

    Thanks again.

    All the best Jan

  14. Very interesting posts, it is really informative to read these posts Keep posting. please visit too my site https://www.luminousprinting.com.sg/category/t-shirts

  15. Loved the artwork! Thanks for sharing this historical gem!

  16. Hello John,
    I love our national parks, your Glacier National Park brochure is a treasure for the park lover. I remember during our visit there having to let hubby take over part of the Going to the Sun drive, it kind of spooked me. I can only imagine what it felt like for the visitors back in the 1920's, I am sure it was a thrill. Thank you for linking up and sharing your post. Take care, have a great weekend. PS, thank you for leaving me a comment!

  17. How amazing is that! I love how the internet has given me a chance to read a post like this...that you produced! I am in awe! Thanks John! Hugs, Diane

  18. To answer your question, John, Ella Schilling may have visited Glacier National Park, but probably later, since in 1929, the banks went bust and the Great Depression was about to begin. Something else about the writer, I noticed her/his handwriting is very elegant in a way that was common then. My grandmother used to write end-of-word t's in the same way. Also, the r's with the raised top on the left. My teachers and my parents (both public school teachers) strongly emphasized good penmanship. Nowadays, cursive writing is for the most part no longer taught.

  19. These invitations! I wonder what would happen in the future since today, we mostly get e-cards for invitations. There will be nothing like this.

  20. It's fascinating to imagine a time when travel was different, and this historical artifact provides a unique window into that era. What a delightful journey into the past and such a captivating piece of history, John.

  21. Schilling was my maiden name, John! And some of "my" Schillings emigrated to Canada.
    I've been to both Glacier and Waterton National Parks and I have to say that I liked Glacier much better. Waterton was a real let-down after the spectacular Glacier Park where we did wonderful long hikes and saw lots of wildlife. The camping was better as well - Waterton felt like a very touristy rip-off.
    In your last comment on my blog you said that you are jealous of everyone who gets a handmade card. If you send me your address (email to carbartz@gmail.com) you will receive a handmade card from me and you don't have to be jealous anymore.

  22. You really are great admirer of the old booklets and post card dear Jhon :)
    I think such people have more innocent heart a childlike that still finds past more fascinating :)
    Sorry if it feels I am judging you .No but I am feeling related because I feel same about past when nature untouched by man was more available and healing for soul.
    I enjoyed reading two pages .lots of admiration from chief to impress people so they can explore the beauty of Canada.
    Thanks for sharing.
    Many more blessings to you and loved ones!


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