Friday, January 12, 2024

When Winter is King

Published for the 1917 Winter Season

"To be lazy is to freeze."

[Click on images for larger,
possibly readable, view.]

"There are some of us who do not properly
appreciate the winter."

"We slide, we coast, we skate, we ski,
we sleigh, we snowball, we walk, we run."

"Canaan is 125 miles from Boston. The Inn accommodates
100 people. Rates $3.00 per day; $14.00 to $20.00 per week."
"Snowshoeing, skiing, tobogganing."

"Come back this winter and tell your stories of slides,
tramps, tumbles and conquered mountains. Let the
stay-at-home envy you."

Boston and Maine Railroad

This seemed like a timely piece of memorabilia to post. 😊 Remember, Winter is King right now.

Linking up with Eileen's Saturday's Critters. Thanks, Eileen, for hosting and sharing!


  1. Interesting literature. Snow sports are popular still. Your map is sadly about 10 degrees high for all of the southeastern states, and it's now raining, high of 45 today, going down to freezing tonight. Keep on posting interesting tidbits. I do like historical stuff.

  2. Love the horse and sleigh rides! Winter fun indeed!

  3. Me gusto conocer un poco de la historia . Cuídate del frio . Te mando un beso.

  4. To think it was possible to stay in those places for $3/night and $20/week. Yes, winter is King right now in Bellingham, for sure!

  5. Winter is quite okay when we are prepared with proper clothing. I've enjoyed most winter sports and certainly thrived on winter when I was a little guy. Now I stay in when it's cold.

  6. Winter is to be enjoyed not to be eternally kvetched about. I shall remember my own words as I shovel my driveway this morning!

  7. Hello,
    What a cool brochure. I am not really a lover of winter time, except maybe in Florida. As a child I used to love sledding and ice skating, as an adult I do not like feeling cold. It is amazing to see the hotel prices back when this brochure was created. The winter activities do look fun. It is supposed to be a super cold week coming up, we may have temp's low in the single digits. I am looking forward to Spring time now. Take care, have a happy weekend.

    1. HI John, I wanted to stop back and say thank you for linking up and sharing your post and for the comment. The horse -drawn sleigh rides look fun on the brochure. Enjoy your day!

  8. What a great brochure. Reading the first couple pages of text, it sounds fairly contemporary; it's hard to believe this was from 1917. Then I saw the room rates. 🙂 Loved the look back here, thanks for sharing John. Winter is king!

  9. Hello John :=)
    I like the idea of a winter holiday with snow. Where I live it never snows, Back when the pamphlets were made those winter sports sound like a lot of fun. I think I would enjoy a horse drawn sleigh ride It is 9 degrees today, not very warm, but it's also raining, a time to catch up on visiting my blog friends and keeping warm indoors.
    All the best

  10. We are even going to have some low temps here for a couple of nights! Thanks for sharing this neat old book. I love books like this! Take care and stay warm!

  11. Interesting information about Winter sports!
    Update the weather map and you will see a dramatic drop in temperatures!
    Have a great weekend!

  12. Thank you for leaving me a second comment to catch up on how I am. It is much appreciated. Our 'warm' weather came with a violent thunderstorm and high winds for three days, but I still get out in it for doctor appointments and a few yard chores. Starting Sunday evening snow will begin to fall with a cumilation of 2" or more. Probably more since we are south of Nashville.

    We will also go into a deep freeze for 4 days where the daytime temperature will not go above freezing, and one of the evenings will be in the single digits. I hate weather like that. The heat pump never turns off, so I always hold my breath until it is over. Wish you were here, haha!

    You always have such interesting memorabilia, and this was fun to read. Snow has a way of making winter agreeable with humans, although I love all aspects of the cold months, even though cold can kill you if you aren't wise. Where many see bleak, I see the earth preparing for the rush of spring. Even nature must slow down and rest.

    I hit my head on the top of the car door opening yesterday (don't ask), then tripped over a small step stool last night and hurt my knees. I've been icing them since then. I seem to be a disaster at the moment. We did have a nice quiet Christmas, and my inside decorations are still up, giving me pleasure :)

    Take care in your cold weather. I know how it is. Yvonne

  13. I must admit that winter is not my favourite season. I enjoy seeing snowy pictures/photographs but would rather be inside in the warm.

    I have cousins and friends who look forward to skiing holidays in the winter months, they go in search of snow...
    It's a good thing we all like different things/hobbies etc.

    Have a good weekend, here in the UK it's turned colder.

    All the best Jan

    PS I liked the images of the horse and sleigh.

  14. Vintage winter vibes! "To be lazy is to freeze" - love that!

  15. Yes most definitely a timely piece to post right now! I had to chuckle at the thought of people golfing in winter using red balls, aiming for snow bunkers! I have been to New England in the summer, yet the sights and sounds of all the activities described in your memorabilia pages make winter there sound very inviting! Thank You for sharing these pages and providing a little escape from current reality!

  16. John, that is a great blog. INteresting and nice but soooo cold.

  17. ...many years ago when I was a kid, winter came and stayed for months. We could skate on ponds and snow makers were unheard of. Yesterday was he first time this season that we were in the teens. But these days we can have freezes and thaws in the same week. With all of that said, I enjoyed winter better as a kid. Now when it gets cold I don't enjoy it as much, but moving south is out of the question.

  18. Very cool memorabilia. I love stuff like this! And you're right, winter really is king right now!

  19. I enjoyed this glimpse into the past with your vintage winter memorabilia!
    How fascinating to see how winter sports and activities were promoted back in 1917!

    Happy Wednesday, John!

  20. I thoroughly enjoyed this glimpse into the past with your vintage winter memorabilia! It's fascinating to see how winter sports and activities were promoted back in 1917.

    Happy Wednesday, John!

  21. Cherish memories dear Jhon!
    I enjoyed peaking into old days when snow supports were new and promoted so more people can enjoy them :)
    I saw snow only twice in my entire life and I still remember how exciting experience it was for middle school girls.
    I think memories belong to winter season can be special when availability of such luxury is possible.
    More blessings upon you and family!


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