Saturday, January 27, 2024

Winter's Embrace

Winter scenes - January '24

The view is from Seattle looking southwest
over Puget Sound
January 10th

January 13th

January 15th

January 23rd

January 14th

Hummers made it through the cold snap!
Check out Saturday's Critters!

Closing thought ...

Next post ...

The story of Doug Leen and how he discovered
the lost art of National Park posters.


  1. Hello John,
    Your sky captures are all gorgeous. Love the view of the ship with the mountains in the background. The old National Park posters are treasures. Take care, have a great weekend.

  2. Hi John,
    I just wanted to stop back and say thank you for linking up and sharing your post. Enjoy your day!

  3. Beautiful photos, John! Thank you for sharing them.

  4. Your sky shots are lovely and I enjoy seeing that the hummingbirds are still flying around in your area.

  5. Beautiful, tranquil photos John! You capture those colors in the Northwest sky so well. :^)

  6. ...John, you have enjoyed some beautiful skies, thanks for sharing them.

  7. I was so pleased to see those hummers that made it through the cold. And your sky shots are always wonderful. I look forward to that next post, too! :-)

  8. Oh wow the first sky photo is breathtaking.

  9. The sea and skies are spectacular. No sea ice there!

  10. Great series of sky shots,and hummers. I got a beautiful new feeder, but it will be April before I put it up here.

  11. Hello John
    Many thanks for sharing these wonderful winter scenes, such lovely colours in the skies.

    It was nice to see the Hummers feeding too.

    Enjoy the remaining few days of January.
    Wishing you a happy weekend.

    All the best Jan

  12. What beautiful and colorful winter skies! I love that quote and old maps and posters. They are so interesting and you always share things that bring back memories. Enjoy your week my friend!

  13. Las imagenes te enamoran y quitan el aliento. Te mando un beso.

  14. Oh John, the way you've captured the light in your photographs is brilliant. I love your photography. I do hope that you are in good health and that this new year brings with it many new adventures.

  15. Those Seattle sunsets are something else, aren't they?

  16. Water vistas always bring a calm over me, I guess they take me back to when I was a child with not a care in the world! Beautiful sunrises and sunsets included in those views, like in your photos, are an added bonus!

    I googled Doug Leen! I look forward to what you will be sharing about him in your next post!

  17. Breathtakingly beautiful dear Jhon!!!!!!!
    Enchanting sunsets that will stay in my thoughts for while.
    Sounds a bliss to be able to witness beauty of sunsets as amazingly!

    Agreed that it is a blessing that God has given us opportunity to experience various colours of life and this feels so magical how our thoughts change slowly and get deeper and more meaningful aspects with time. I lack words to praise the plan of nature .
    The bird feeder shot is splendid.
    More blessings upon you and family!

  18. These are beautiful images, John, but the first one is definitely my favorite. Winter has the best sunrises and sunsets, so much more brilliant than in the summer. I hope you can enjoy many more. Hugs - Carola

  19. The first picture is great. We only passed through Seattle once (to go to Orcas Island)

  20. Gorgeous skies. I'm of the opinion that skies always look better over water. Looking forward to your next post!

  21. Your stunning pictures remind me of a line from some old musical that I've forgotten "the prettiest skies you've ever seen are in Seattle..." (I think it said "bluest" skies and we used to laugh about that, but prettiest would have worked then and certainly does now (of course especially on the days when it doesn't rain.) Glad you were getting out there for your walks during the cold spell.

  22. Thanks for linking up! I hope you are having a great week.

  23. Your photos are stunning, John.
    Love the gorgeous skies.

    Happy Thursday!


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