Friday, February 22, 2013

Welcome Texans

Frequently we like to start our posts with a welcome to followers and visitors, and this time, a special welcome to the Texans. What? A special welcome for Texans? Why? Well, our followers will know that we're located in the Pacific Northwest's Emerald City, also known as Seattle. So, imagine our surprise when we spotted the car in our photos below right here in the neighborhood.  Near the intersection of Broadway and Roy Streets -- about 1700 miles, plus or minus, from the nearest point in Texas. At first glance we noticed the license plate from Texas, but then ... wow, C-ATL?  Put the dash in a different place and it could be "cattle" ... which seems a little more likely for a Texan. But this Texan apparently loves Seattle, got it on their personalized plate, and drove all the way up here. The least we can do is say we are honored and welcome to the Northwest!

Thoughts about going wireless ...

For today's sky watch photo we dug deep into the archives. Way back to the 1960s. Even back then John loved taking sunset pictures, and especially if he could incorporate another interest: trains. In this photo we have the tracks and sunset, out in the countryside, but it also gives us pause to think about going wireless. This photo was taken long ago when just about everything was "wired" ... look at all of those lines!  Can you imagine how many wires would be out there if everything was still wired?  

More sky watch photos at Skywatch Friday

Reflections ...

A couple of reflection photos ...

These ducks were sharing a bit of breakfast
early one morning at Green Lake
in the midst of many reflections.

Like the shoreline reflection in the water but the
big congregation of ducks was interesting too!
More reflection photos at Weekend Reflections

New Growth ...

Several followers commented on the new growth photo in last week's post. This is another one of those "stop to smell the roses" things ... stopping to enjoy the new buds on the shrubs and trees.  The one below lets us know spring is on the way. Thank YOU for STOPPING by John's Island!


  1. c-atl. too clever! far from home, but obviously seattle has their heart.

    lovely reflections, but i love those heavy-duty power lines!

  2. tres reussi la photo des deux oiseaux et j aime bcp celle du soleil couchant ;o)

    bon w end !

  3. The license plate is very clever. They definitely must love Seattle.
    Great sunset and I remember where there were all those big utility poles.

  4. Yes, Texas is a long way from Seattle! Love your sunset photos. Happy SWF!

  5. Now, that's a fun license plate!

    How coincidental that your feature two beautiful reflection photographs on this wonderful post. My next admission to the birding blog I contribute to is all about reflections.

    Thank you for posting the stunning bud capture, as it has brightened my day. I am certainly looking forward to spring on this gray, drizzly day in Chicago. I'm off to read your previous post, which I must have missed.

    As always, thank you for the thoughtful, lovely comments left on my blog. I appreciate the time and effort it takes to write such kind remarks. They mean so very much to me!

  6. The ducks sharing food are so cute ! I like the texan car registration : it is not a very usual support !

  7. Thanks for making me feel welcome too...since I can claim being Texan by birth. My license is sadly not as inspired as this, and I appreciate the humor. Also the ducks! I'll look for your next post.

  8. Reflections shots are excellent ~ Love the ducks sharing

  9. Whoever owns the C-ATL license plate, it's surely a love affair I can relate to! Very nice pictures, John. It's so nice to be here in the PNW, even though all day it was just wind, horizontal rain, and a few sunbreaks. :-)

  10. If it would have been a Texas plate with "Car No 1" that would have been real karma. I think your next reflection post should be two GTO's "reflecting" in the botanical gardens.

  11. love those two reflection photos. visiting here for skywatch friday. Happy skywatching!

  12. Welcome John !!!!
    I am very happy that you visited my blog.
    You will always be in my heart.
    Thank you very much.

    You have a very interesting and beautiful blog.
    I will always reply to your comment.

    I wish you have a nice week.
    I send greetings from distant Polish.


Questions, Compliments, and/or Suggestions: If you ask a question, please check back here, on the blog, for an answer within, usually, a day or two. Thank you in advance for compliments. I’ll try to keep an open mind about suggestions. All comments are moderated. Please note: Comments with active links will not be published. Comments with an inactive link are probably okay.

Snow Stamps Skies Ships

Welcome to John's Island. In this post ... 1. Snow in Seattle. 2. Vintage stamps from my stamp collection. 3. Colorful Seattle skies. 4....