Saturday, December 31, 2022

Happy 2023

 Happy New Year to all.

Union Station at John's Island

Looking back for a moment ...

Pics from posts 10 years ago ...

(Green Lake - January 4, 2013)
Click on image for better view.

Ten years ago I was walking around Seattle's Green Lake almost every day. Always on the outlook for bird photos ...

A red-winged blackbird at Green Lake
 seemed to not mind us stopping nearby.
(From my post of January 4, 2013)

If I had not taken this photo, I would have
completely forgotten the scene by 
now, ten years later. And that is despite
the fact I really like the photo. 😊 Nature
works sideways at times.

Reposting my short Green Lake video from my post Saturday January 12 2013 ...

Recent Snaps ...

Mallards on a rough water morning.

A Washington State Ferry crossing Puget Sound

MOON getting loaded at the Grain Terminal
What do you think about a ship named MOON?

Last day of 2022 ...

Shortly before sunrise, December 31, 2022,
Seattle from Kerry Park

The Space Needle is purple in remembrance of late legendary University of Washington football coach Don James. James, 80, died last Sunday from a battle with pancreatic cancer.

I snap a photo at this spot when starting every walk.
Last walk of '22 ... December 31, 2022
Overcast, 47F (8.3C)

Last item for this year, my music box video ...

Take care, be well. Best wishes from John's Island.

Saturday, December 24, 2022

Winter is here.

From my collection of very old postcards ...

It's that time again. 🌲
Wishing all of you the best. 

Postmarked December 19, 1929

It's been cold in Seattle ...

The heater is on my hummer feeder.

It amazes me that hummingbirds can tolerate
this cold weather ... freezing temperatures.

December 21, 2022
25F / -3.8C

December 12, 2022
Along a frosty waterfront walk.
(Light snow overnight)

I won't even guess how to pronounce the
ship's name. I think it deserves an LOL.

Robins enjoying a fresh drink at the water feature
in my front yard. The moving water in the fountain
did not freeze at 19F.

Before it got so cold ...

View of the city from Kerry Park
December 12, 2022
Closing thought ...

Saturday, December 10, 2022

Early December


From my collection ...
A booklet published by The Alaska Railroad in 1933
to attract tourists to the Territory of Alaska before it
became one of the United States.
The cover image is a favorite!

Inside the booklet is a shot of the Steamship Aleutian
at Columbia Glacier. I collect vintage travel memorabilia
and have decided to share some of the collection
here on John's Island.

Recent Snaps

The Transatlantic at Grain Terminal 86 and
another bulk carrier at anchor beyond.
It usually takes 3 or 4 days to load a grain ship.

An exceptionally colorful sunset
November 25, 2022

Great Blue Heron looks cold in the morning wind.

Double Crested Cormorant
If you can zoom in, notice the green eye.
For those of you who love critter photos,
check out Saturday's Critters.

Four birds of a different "feather?"


Just after sunset November 27th

Unusual late start to my walk on December 1st
with lots of welcome sunshine.

Pan Flower is at the Grain Terminal on December 1st

I walk about 2 miles most days. I snap pictures along
the way and then share some of them here on
John's Island.

From my starting point I walk southeast about 1 mile
to this point, turn around, and head back.

I like the name Pan Flower. I often wonder who
selects the ship's name and what that person is like.

Coast Guard Icebreaker 20, the USCGC Healy, departing the Port on
December 2nd. Not the best photo, but I'm including it anyway. I'm
so impressed with the young crew who will be spending the
next couple of months in rough conditions to provide
help as needed in very remote locations.

The Ocean Rover, fishing vessel, is in Port for
maintenance over the winter months.

Looking up the path to the spot where the next
photo was taken.

Every walk I stop at this spot to snap a photo
to record sky conditions. December 3rd was a beauty.

Foss Tug Marshall Foss
I believe all of the company's vessels are named for 
members of the Foss family.
I'm guessing the Foss company is the largest
tug operator in the Port of Seattle.

Work on shoreline erosion is underway and
started about 2 weeks ago.

Along the Elliott Bay Trail where shoreline
erosion is being worked on.
The erosion is attributed to exceptionally high tides
and strong storm conditions. Another example of the
effects of climate change.

Very small amount of show overnight.
December 3rd.

Fresh snow on the foot hills of the Olympic Mountains.
This view is looking west across Puget Sound from
the Interbay/Smith Cove area of Seattle. Note: it's
easy to see the parts of the forest that have been logged.

Tempting but too cold (for me) to sit.

Seattle has lots of Canada Geese visiting this
time of year.

December 9th and the leaves are gone!
Best wishes to my blogging friends
for happy holidays ahead.
Thanks for stopping by John's Island.

Closing thought ...

I used this one before. It is worth repeating.

Coastal Adventure - Part 3

Coastal Adventure Fall 2024 The images below are all in order, starting with departure from Los Angeles Union Station northward toward Seatt...