Sunday, December 3, 2023

New Art

Fun with A I

I spotted an image I like on the web and made a screenshot. I uploaded the screenshot to ChatGPT and asked it to turn the image into a drawing. The result is below ...

I found the result interesting. So, next, I uploaded one of my own photos showing the scene from Seattle across Puget Sound to the Olympic Mountains. Again, I asked for a drawing ...

Here are the results, including some variations ...

Interesting the way it put the flag on a boat.

Requesting no boats.
But there are some ... moored to piers.

Put the mountains more in the distance.

The pencil sketch is really nice!

What are your thoughts on this? 😊


  1. Thank you for using your own images! I truly hate it when people steal artwork and play about with ai. Even online, it's someone's copyrighted property. The ai function already steals images for its algorithm, bad enough. Artists are almost never consulted. I wouldn't mind if it were at least a collaborative venture. I've done collaborative art. I've also had art images stolen online and had to take action to protect them. So I have an interest in this issue. And a hot reaction!

  2. It is interesting to see the generated rendition of the photos. I like the originals best though.

  3. Hello John :=)
    Having seen other blogs using A! to alter their own photos, I do think it is somewhat entertaining, and even incredible the way they turn out, but I always prefer the originals the best. The generated pencil sketch is as you observed rather nice, but looking at your own photo it pales by comparison.
    All the best

  4. Fascinating, John. I like the pencil sketch and the one with the mountains more in the distance. But they all seem rather too perfect, whereas your originals have more "soul." :-)

  5. Wow that is really cool! Fun to play around with.

  6. Seeing the photos in their generated form is interesting.

  7. To tell you the truth AI scares the living daylights out of me and I stay away from it like the plague. I know that won’t make it go away but I am like the child who closes her eyes to get rid of the boogeyman!

  8. You've done some interesting things with these images. Some I like and others I don't care for.

  9. First impression is UGH. Do you get to pick a style for the painting? Such as impressionist, or fauve, or whatever?) The last two are more agreeable to me. (I like to draw and paint, and am picky I guess.)

    1. Yes, you can pick styles and give other instructions just as you would to a real artist.

  10. I enjoy looking at your original photos and if you were to draw or paint them yourself, I would like those too!

  11. wow you are so smart to know how to use chatbot dear John :)
    i really enjoyed looking at amazing transformed images what a whimsical result !loved them .blessings

  12. I'm really not sure about AI although it does seem many bloggers are experimenting with it, and it was nice to see these on your post here.

    All the best Jan

  13. I enjoyed seeing your AI-generated artwork.
    How fun and cool!

    Happy Thursday, John

  14. Your brave John, I've not even thought of doing that or using AI


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