Tuesday, December 26, 2023

Visit Yellowstone 140 Years Ago

Through Yellowstone National Park

Published 1883

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Can you imagine travel 140 years ago?


  1. Well, like to think I could imagine travel 140 years ago. I hope you had a happy Christmas.

    1. Thank you Red. I hope you had a happy Christmas as well.

  2. Must have been quite an adventure!!!

  3. What a great Yellowstone brochure. It must have really been awesome 140 years ago. Today there are too many visitors in the park. Take care, enjoy your day and the week ahead.

  4. I visited Yellowstone years ago when I lived in Colorado. It was a week-long trip. We stayed at the Old Faithful Inn and spent two nights camping out in the snow-covered trails. It was a trip I won't forget soon! Your wonderful brochure makes me wish I could have experienced it back then, and I very much enjoyed the flowery commentary! And the prices back then weren't all that cheap, I notice. Thanks, John!

  5. Many thanks for sharing this wonderful brochure.
    Travel these days has changed so much.

    In fact over the Christmas Holiday break many have found that travel hasn't been easy. I hope all those who had Christmas travel plans made it safely to their destination.

    Enjoy these last few days of 2023, and good wishes for the coming New Year.

    Many thanks for your visits to the low carb diabetic blog and the lovely comments you leave.

    All the best Jan

  6. Glorious trip to beautiful park that so famous for its striking beauty and unique features wow.
    I would love to imagine older times when population was less and sites were easier to explore. Despite all the hardships that past had my heart sees it worth knowing more than future. May be I am too old fashioned.
    Merry Christmas to you and loved ones dear John!
    Health peace and happiness to you and to all you love!

  7. I can't imagine what it's like! My husband's been telling me to watch Yellowstone the series. I hope you had a great Christmas, John.

  8. I'm pretty sure Yellowstone was a lot less crowded 140 years ago than today, but I'm afraid some of the people behaved just as dumb as many do today (I sometimes can't believe my eyes about the stupid things people do!).


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