Saturday, February 7, 2015

New Steel Train -- Over New Steel Trail [1912]

From our collection of old postcards ... The Olympian, New Steel Train -- Over the New Steel Trail. If you are not into railroad history, when you think of an olympian, you probably think of someone who participates in the international sporting event known as the Olympic Games. But back in 1909 America's third northern transcontinental railroad inagurated passenger service between Chicago and Seattle, and the railroad had to come up with a name for their premier train. They settled on "The Olympian" after the range of mountains near the western end of the line ... the Olympics.

This card was published in celebration of the new train called The Olympian
Service was between Chicago and Seattle/Tacoma
Paper surface showing its age.

Postmarked April 27, 1912

Good news: Letter with check arrived O.K.
Hope chicks and kittens are well.
Thank you for stopping by John's Island.


  1. I hope the chicks and kittens are well, too. :-)

  2. Interesting that they would mention the chicks and kittens, then the family! I can imagine how thrilled folks were to see that train!

  3. Those old engines were so impressive.

  4. That's the kind of loco I picture when Willie Nelson dioes 'City of New Orleans'. I appreciate it's in a whole different location!

  5. How wonderful to see the written postcard as well as the lovely picture on the front. You can just imagine the girl who wrote it and the good son who sent it.

  6. Sweet message, beautiful card, John! Everything I think of 1912 I think of the Titanic. I have read so many books about it and it never ceases to fascinate me.

  7. Looks like a long, sleek train!

  8. Interesting to learn about the other meaning of Olympian--I do think of an athlete when I hear the word.


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