Monday, February 16, 2015

President's Day

From our collection of old postcards ...

Monday, February 16, 2015, is President's Day in America. We selected a card from the collection featuring Woodrow Wilson, to celebrate the day. The little poem on the card might be more appropriate for Flag Day, so maybe it will show up in a future post as well.  (Click on images for larger view.)

This is an embossed card, which, of course, is not so apparent looking at it online, but you can see some of the impression on the back of the card ... we darkened it up a bit to make it more apparent. This card was not mailed but was addressed simply, To Papa.

Thomas Woodrow Wilson was the 28th President of the United States from 1913 to 1921.

A poem at the bottom refers to supporting our World War I efforts. Enlargement of the poem ...

One of our blogging friends, Red, gave us a comment a while back that made our day ...

That sets us on a journey to see what more we can find out about this old card.  Taking a careful look at the copyright ...

In the lower left corner we see the standard copyright C in a circle, but up above that, the same symbol and the name (we think) G. W. Buch (plus two characters we can't make out). Of course, when you try to look that up, Google thinks you are misspelling G. W. Bush. But no luck on an artist G. W. Buch. We did find another one of these postcards for sale and the seller thinks it is G. V. Buck. You can see that card here. In addition to all that copyright stuff, there is more at the lower right of the image ...

We are curious about the little face (?) near the bottom center of the image. Ground hog, dog, ??? What do you think? Is this one of those things where an artist has hidden something in the art?

Lastly, we thought, let's see what the WWW has to say about President's Day. Here's a screen shot of our Google search results ...  

Well, the first thing we'll have to work out is whether there is an apostrophe in the name. Actually, since we are honoring all the Presidents, shouldn't it be Presidents' Day? Yet, according to Wikipedia: "With official names including Presidents' Day, President's Day and Washington's and Lincoln's Birthday, the day is also a state holiday in most states." OK, so much for that, but what really amused us, or perhaps, disappointed us, was the "In the news" link ... What to Buy During President's Day Sales. What do you think about that? Could it be that we get that on our computer because of all the "cookies" websites kindly leave behind after we visit their website? : - )

Thank you for stopping by John's Island.


  1. Hi John! I love that Woodrow Wilson postcard!

  2. Your dedication to detail is amazing. You love your hobby, that's for sure :)

  3. Love the detail in this card that you have identified. You have certainly found an interesting hobby, and we get to share!

  4. I totally agree with Red :)
    You always do some real good research :))
    Happy Presidents' and President's Day :D


  5. It's fun to read the history you find concerning each card you psot, John. Thank you for doing the research.

    Regarding your question: Although you postcards are NOT rubbish, they would fit in very well with Roan's (Betty's) meme. She really doesn't mean that we should necessarily post "rubbish"...just old things. I haven't seen Betty post anything yet today, though. Sometimes she posts later on in the day so I'll check her blog out later.

  6. i do agree it should be presidents' day. :) i like the old card.

  7. John, you have a postcard fit for every occasion. How many do you actually have in your collection?

  8. ...and you can always find an appropriate card for the occasion. My daughter in Chicago did not remind me that it was Presidents' day.

  9. I think it's typical that the first hit for Presidents' Day is a shopping guide... That's what important (not!)... Sad, isn't it?
    Concerning your question about Etsy - there are several sellers who offer vintage cards (you have to use the word vintage, it's BIG on Etsy) on Etsy. I can't really say how successful they are with it and there is quite a price range. You could go to the Etsy site and just type "vintage postcards" in the searth line. Look at the shops and check their sales (on the left side bar of each shop) where you can see whether they actually sell them. I'm not selling on eBay, so I can't say anything about that. I personally like Etsy, you set the price, it's not an auction. Give it a try!

  10. Good day to you John. I do love this postcard and I am in agreement. I think it should be Presidents' Day.

  11. Dear John,

    I love this postcard, it is lovely. Thank you so much for all you share, it is greatly appreciated and enjoyed.

  12. Nice post card. Love the flag with its ripples.
    You do get a lot of history out of a card. Thanks for sharing them with us. : )

  13. Wonderful postcard and history : )

  14. A very nice and interesting one..!

  15. Very nice postcard and poem! I agree about Presents" Day, thanks for sharing. Enjoy your day!

  16. The flag he loves is the flag you love... That brought tears to my eyes.

  17. It looks like you pretty much have to be a detective to figure out the history on some of these post cards!

    This one is a beauty. Love the bright colors of the red, white, and blue.


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