Thursday, February 19, 2015

The Famous Railroad Kitty

Regarding comments on yesterday's post ... We do not endorse animal cruelty of any kind. If an animal appears on one of our postcards we trust it was treated with kindness or we would not post the card nor include it our collection. Now, on to today's old postcard from our collection ...

Enjoying the Dome Car on the Chesapeake and Ohio Railroad ...

Don't miss the Kitty! According to the Chesapeake and Ohio (Railroad) Historical Society, the Chessie Kitty "is probably the most endearing and certainly one of the most successful corporate symbols in American history." We're not so sure about that, but then again, it's the C & O Historical Society. Our guess for publishing date is 1950s.

Thank you for stopping by John's Island.


  1. Chessie the kitty is cute. I would like to ride in one of these dome cars.. Great post, thanks for sharing. Enjoy your day!

  2. Wouldn't that be a fun ride on the train? Of course they have everyone pictured as having a good time. Interesting that they would use a kitty kat.

  3. Chessie is delightful, John. This would have been such a fun ride, and with so many lovely views, too! I love this post, thank you so much for sharing.

  4. Chessie looks like a good advertisement for a comfortable train ride! Love the little girl's outfit and hair!

  5. It's definitely fall out there, and the kitty is definitely a cute advertising symbol. I'll have to go back and see what other people said about yesterday's post to cause you to make that disclaimer. :-)

  6. My vote for best identity...the Gerber baby (who I've met by the way. She is a writer, live near Tampa.)

  7. Another fun postcard John and I hope I can take a ride on one of those scenic trains one day.

  8. Wonderful postcard and information. I like the colours and the actions portayed here.

  9. i've seen that logo on train cars. :)

  10. Neat post card. I love to find the old ones at flea markets. Have a great day!

  11. That's the kind of train I would have needed for
    my train ride :) And of course with clean windows :))
    But I think it's pretty scary to sit on top when the
    train goes through a tunnel ;)
    Have a fine day John!

  12. I'm lovin' my visits here with you, John, when I get a chance to stop by. You present some great posts that truly keeps our interests piqued.

  13. When I look back I'm always surprised that people were very dressed up.

  14. Nice to have all those windows to look out of. : )

  15. The scene along the route looks fantastic. I've never been in a domed train. As far as I know we only have one here which runs through the Rocky Mountains. It must be an awesome ride.

  16. I love that card and the mountainous scenery outside the train!

  17. Oh, I love this! I learned about Chessie Kitty when I was the Coordinator of the Suffolk Seaboard Station. We had some great memorabilia. This brings back my days working there!


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