Sunday, February 8, 2015

Travel Near, Travel Far ...

Travel near or travel far -- You'll find no prettier Dining Car ...

When you collect old postcards you may find one, like this card, that leaves you wondering ... To us, it looks like a possible newer "reprint" of a vintage card. Reasons we are skeptical ... The back of the card is printed a bit haphazardly ... not squared up with the paper ... The italic font in the description does not seem like one commonly seen during the time corresponding to the image -- 1910 to about mid 1920s ... and the printer carelessly left a "paragraph" marker before the last sentence of the description. As with any collectible item, people will try to copy it and sell it as if though it was authentic. Buyer beware, as they say.

If authentic, this card would have been published by the Northern Pacific Railroad. They were, indeed, well known for their dining car accomodations. We have seen the image in the Railroad's other publications, such as advertising brochures.

Thank you for stopping by John's Island.


  1. So true .. Buyers need to be really careful before buying collectibles lest they be fabricated . Thanks for sharing John and hope you are having a relaxing weekend :)

  2. Hello greetings and good wishes.

    Excellent advise.

    Commercialism and easy profit makes businessmen greedy and they don't mind cheating gullible public. Cheating goes on even in fruits which we eat here in Kochi. For instance, mangoes are applied with carbide powder to ripen quickly. Pesticides are extensively used in vegetable growing which is harmful for health. I have seen way side hotels don't even bother to wash the vegetable before cooking. Well, easy money makes people go mad.

    Best wishes

  3. I came by here just to say thanks for your encouragement on my blog. It means a lot to me.Yes,in time,I will likely be sharing a few more of Jake's photos,but I don't just want to dwell in the past,so for now you have to endure my photos for a while. :)

  4. It is a pretty dining car.. I am glad you noticed the difference.. Have a happy day!

  5. Wonder if it came from Nigeria. ...Please sir if you will assist me with a financial matter of utmost urgency...

  6. John, you are very observant and I am so glad you caught that. It is a lovely dining car.

  7. You have taught me something here. Thanks John.

  8. You have the knack of making each one of these post cards interesting.

  9. I do like it, even if it is a reproduction.

  10. How good that you caught it, John. Still, I would love to dine in such a beautiful dining car!

  11. It would take someone who knows these things to catch the probable forgery. Glad to know you know your stuff! :-)

  12. I love it. How you are writing about cards is so interesting and never, never boring! Keep writing John!

  13. Looks like some good food was served in that dining car!

  14. You do have a good eye! It would be difficult for an untrained observer to realize the difference. Still, the dining car accommodations look classy!


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