Many thanks to Bethany of
Liberty or Death for nominating me for the Liebster Award. The Liebster Award is a way of learning more about fellow bloggers by asking them questions. Read all about the Award and its rules
here. My answers to Bethany's questions are below.
Why did you begin blogging, and how long do you think you’ll continue?
Many, many years ago I started collecting old postcards and memorabilia. Most of it relates to historical railroads, the Pacific Northwest and the National Parks, especially Yellowstone. In 2010, I asked myself, “How could I share this collection with others who might find it interesting?” The answer was a blog and the beginning of John’s Island. I also found it to be a good place to share other hobbies like photography. As to the second half of your question … I really don’t know.
Part of my collection and one of my first digital camera photos.
That was back when camera makers thought it cool to put
the date on photos.
Yes, the collection has grown since 1999. |
What is your go-to meal for when you need to cook something quickly?
How quick is quick? 5 minutes is a bowl of oatmeal. If I've got a bit longer ... Beef stew … takes 30 minutes. Brown the beef and place into the electric pressure cooker. Add a cup of lower sodium beef broth. Dice up 2 carrots, 2 stalks celery, a russet potato, ½ medium onion and add all to the pot. Cook on high pressure 20 minutes. Quick release pressure and, if necessary, add about a tablespoon of corn starch to thicken. Salt and pepper to taste. Delicious.
You’re shipwrecked on an island; what one thing would you have with you?
A radio … Not just any radio, but a ham radio with a well charged battery. Since I’m a licensed operator I’d use the radio to contact a buddy and ask for rescue.
If you could choose any profession, what would it be?
After working through the ranks, I’d like to end up Captain of an ocean going ship, preferably one that delivers mail to small ports in sparsely settled parts of the world.
If you could meet any of your long-distance blogging friends, which ones would you most like to meet?
Three Canadian bloggers: Joyful of Snap That, Red of Hiawatha House, and Ruth of Ruth’s Photo Blog. Also, of course, I would like to meet Bethany, who nominated me for this award. Really, there are many others.
What’s your favorite flavor of ice cream?
Spumoni - It’s an Italian ice cream made with layers of different colors and flavors, usually containing candied fruits and nuts.
Describe a perfect day.
After having open heart surgery a few years ago, almost every day is perfect … at least it is a blessing and a bonus. I guess the best days are when I don’t need to spend a lot of time in Seattle traffic!
If you could witness any event of the past, present, or future, what would it be?
I would love to turn the clock back to May 10, 1869, and be in Promontory, Utah, standing in the front row of observers watching the golden spike being driven at the celebration for the completion of America’s first transcontinental railroad.
The Last Spike (1881) by Thomas Hill
(Painting is in Public Domain and via Wikipedia
at their "Golden Spike" page.) |
Have you ever been in a choir or singing group, or played an instrument?
Yes, believe it or not, when just a youngster I was in the Texas Boys Choir.
What is the most encouraging thing anyone has ever told you/or that you’ve ever read?
This is the toughest question for me. I’ve read so many encouraging things and have had so many people say encouraging things to me that I really can’t pick out just one. But here’s a recent one … I’ve been volunteering in the Neonatal Intermediate Care Unit in one of Seattle’s big hospitals. My job is to hold newborn babies when the nurses and/or parents are too busy or not available. A couple of weeks ago a baby boy about 10 days old was very fussy. He had been born addicted to drugs … his mother had been using them before his birth and the hospital was trying to wean him off his addiction. When I arrived in the Unit early in the morning his nurse was just coming on shift and needed to catch up with the nurse who had been on duty overnight. The little boy was crying loudly and quite a disturbance. The nurse asked me to hold him and rock him for a while. As soon as I had him in my arms he quieted down and was soon sound asleep. The nurse came over to me and said, “You are a godsend.” That felt pretty good and made my day!
Would you share a favorite quote or Bible verse?
“Nothing in the world can take the place of persistence. Talent will not; nothing is more common than unsuccessful men with talent. Genius will not; unrewarded genius is almost a proverb. Education will not; the world is full of educated derelicts. Persistence and determination alone are omnipotent.” -- U. S. President Calvin Coolidge
Part of the Liebster Award is to pay it forward by nominating other bloggers to participate. Participation is, of course, entirely voluntary, and I suggest you read about the Award at the link above before deciding to join in or not. My nominees (if they'd like to participate):
Joyful at
Snap That
Red at
Hiawatha House
Ruth at
Ruth's Photo Blog
Linda at
Linda's Peaceful Place
DJan at
Eye on the Edge
Karen at
Life is Good
Ariëlla at
Begrijp je wat je leest?
And anyone else who'd like to answer my questions.
(I'd love to read answers either on your blog or in comments on this post.)
1. Would you share a favorite quote and/or a favorite Bible verse?
2. How did you get interested in blogging?
3. Which one of the four seasons is your favorite and why?
4. How do you follow global news ... TV, radio, internet, or other? Or no news for you?
5. Do you have a favorite bird or flower?
6. Do you have a pet(s) and, if so, what kind(s)?
7. What is your go-to meal for when you need to cook something quickly ... 30 minutes or less?
8. If you could travel anywhere in the world and stay for up to one month where would you go?
9. Do you have hobbies other than blogging? What are they?
10. If I were to visit you in your hometown, what would be the first place you'd want me to see?
I owe a note of thanks to several Liebster participants as I have used some of their questions above. And, thank YOU for stopping by John's Island.