Friday, June 26, 2015

Buffalo Bill - Pony Express

From our collection of old postcards ...

Note the saddle bag:  U S M
Today's Postal Carriers have it pretty good.

We have no info on the artist or vintage of this card.
We guess the publication to be 1940s or 50s.

In December, 2014, we featured a different old card about Buffalo Bill which you can see here.

Thank you for stopping by John's Island.

Update for a few recent photos from the neighborhood ...

Celebrity Solstice arriving this morning.
Passengers will disembark this morning, new passengers will board
this afternoon, and she will depart for another 7 day trip to
Alaska about 4 PM.

Olympic Mountain Range in the distance.
We liked the way the haze and angle of the sun's rays
brought out the various layers of mountains.
Late evening June 20.

One of the Ferries crossing Puget Sound
Early morning June 22.


  1. Hello John, what an awesome postcard. I think today's mail carriers have it made. Have a happy weekend!

  2. amazing life that would have been!

  3. A terrific postcard and a wonderful look back!! I do love to ride the ferry, too!! Hope you have a great weekend!!

  4. Love the post card. I remember being surprised to learn that the pony express was so short lived - only a little over 18 months.

  5. Hi John, What a great postcard. Love these pics and yes, today's postal carriers have it made. Beautiful shot of the ferries.
    Have a nice weekend. cm

  6. Absolutely beautiful! I would love to have your view.

  7. Love your Buffalo Bill. It is such a nice postcard. The colors are old but still beautiful. And the photo with the mountaines is powerful! To see mountains must me so great!

    Here my link for you:

  8. Absolutely beautiful! I would love to have your view.

  9. Absolutely beautiful! I would love to have your view.

  10. I'm glad you showed a picture of the old Bill,
    I was afraid the Indians would have killed him
    earlier. :) Love the mountain view and the
    pictures of the boats!

    Have a great weekend
    Tinna ✐

  11. I love those sun rays.Someday,I would like to board one of those ships and go on a cruise.

  12. Wow! And to think we worry about rain, sleet, snow or dead of night these days. Bang!

  13. Your neighborhood keeps changing. It puts a show on for you all day.

  14. Lovely postcard and beautiful photos. :)

  15. You certainly live in an interesting neighbourhood, ever changing. I think I've seen that picture of Buffalo Bill somewhere before, way back in time when I was a little younger. I was a real cowboy fan back in the day.


  16. I cannot imagine the dangers that face the pony express riders!

  17. I bet some people did not get there post, especially the unfortunate post carries who could not out ride the Indians!!

  18. Yes, times have changed for the postal workers. I don't think that guy is carrying any junk mail. :-)

  19. Beautiful postcard and great images, very nice the Olympic Mountain Range picture.
    Happy Sunday!

  20. Love that postcard!! And (from previous post) congrats on your Liebster award! Very cool!!

  21. Ah! Great post card! I loved reading about the Pony Express riders as I was growing up! There are so many good stories about various ones, and they did have a tough time of it! It was not a job for the faint-hearted, but they got the mail through.


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