Monday, November 23, 2015

Seattle's New Fireboat [1910]

From our collection of old postcards ...

New Fire Boat Duwamish
Published about 1910
One card from a series entitled
The Pacific Northwest Photographic Series

Back of the unused card.

Description enlarged.

For comparison ... our photo of current "Fireboat 2"
Late August, 2015, at Pier 90, Seattle
The city now has several fireboats.

Other recent marine sightings ...

Western Dawn Fishing Vessel
at Fisherman's Terminal, Seattle

CMA CGM Bianca
Entering Elliott Bay
November 6, 2015

NOAA Research Vessel Thomas G Thompson
leaving our area on Nov. 21, 2015, 09:45
Sailboat masts in the foreground at
Elliott Bay Marina 
Check out the website for the University of Washington, School of Oceanography, RV Thomas G Thompson here.

Thank you for stopping by John's Island.


  1. I used to watch old boats like this go by when I lived by Lake Huron. Memories!

    Love the photos, John.

    Have a happy Thanksgiving!

  2. cool old fireboat! and nice water scenes, too.

  3. Do you enjoy your boat watching? :O)

    You have a great place to do it.

  4. Hello John, you do live in a great area to watch the boats. I like the fire boats. Wonderful postcard and photos. Happy Thanksgiving to you and your family. Happy Monday, enjoy your new week ahead!

  5. I so love the water and the boats, even those old ones. Great postcard.

  6. Ah, I do love your water/boat scenes and it is a wonderful place to watch the boats!! And I always enjoy your postcards!! I hope your new week is off to a great start!! Enjoy!!

  7. Nice to see all the fire boats. Great photos

  8. Nice way to move from the postcard to the present day harbor activities.

  9. Lovely pictures.Thanks for your kind words left on my blog.

  10. I have several old postcards as well. They are easy to keep and do not take up much room. Yes, I do live in Fort Worth, Have been here since 1964 and have no plans to leave until they haul me off. So pleased when you stop by my place. May you and family have a blessed holiday.

  11. Neat! I never even knew such things existed. Love your other marine scenes, too. :-)

  12. The postcard is very beautiful and so are the other vessels in and around Seattle.
    Have a Happy Day, John!
    Peace :)


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