Saturday, June 4, 2016

Early June Snaps

Early June snaps from John's Island (aka Seattle, WA, USA) ...

Ships and Port of Seattle Activity ...

Crown Princess
Arriving this morning, June 4th, 2016
Elliott Bay Marina at the bottom.
Olympic Mountains in the distance.
>>> Click on pics for larger view <<<

Closer look at the Crown.
For those of you who are wondering ... Yes, all of our photos are taken right here around home ... Seattle, Washington, USA. Our view is from the western part of the city, looking over Puget Sound, toward the Olympic Mountains in the west.

Overview of Pier 91 Cruise Terminal Yesterday
In front ... Explorer of the Seas,
(Royal Caribbean)
Behind ... Solstice

Closer look ... Fireboat at very bottom (Pier 90)

Adriatic Sea Tug

Northern Hawk
Fishing Vessel at end of Pier 90
Busy morning for ship spotting today ...

Defender Fishing Vessel
arriving this morning, June 4th

Matson Container leaving this morning, June 4th

Evergreen Container leaving this morning, June 4th

Flama Bulk Carrier arriving this morning, June 4th
Viking Sea Vehicles Carrier
enroute Port of Tacoma
(RoRo ... Roll On, Roll Off vehicle carrier)

Snapped on walks ...

Earlier this past week ...

Hmmmm ... :-)

For you ROSE lovers

Solitary Poppy

Detail of just ONE flower.

John's Favorites ... Olympic Mountains ... The Brothers ...

This morning ... June 4th
Clear skies.

June 2nd
The Brothers ... about 35 miles from our deck.

June 1st

Yesterday, June 3rd, just after sunset.

Kerry Park views ...

Kerry Park as it looked on June 3rd
(Kerry Park is the overlook for many Seattle skyline photos)

Mount Rainer with Cap Clouds floating away

Closer look at Rainier
The Mountain is about 50 miles away.
Does this give you an idea of its size?
14,410' at the top.

Yesterday's Brilliant Sunset ...

Sunset, June 3, 2016
from the deck.

Water tower glory ... on the distant horizon.

Golden clouds.


  1. Wow, John! So many pictures more than usual, and every one is interesting. That's a lot of boat traffic. Then flowers, and mountains and sunsets! Very impressive. I enjoyed them all. :-)

    1. Thank you so much DJan. You are so right about the boat traffic ... hope I didn't go overboard. :-)

  2. John,this post is full of beauty. I love the ship scenes and the mountain backdrop.Of course you know I love flowers of all kinds.Great post.Thanks.

    1. Thank you Ruth. By the way, I put that rose in there just for you. :-)

  3. beautiful landscapes and seascapes. the floating cities are amazing hulks. love the fern photo.

  4. Love the purple flower and the poppies. The yellow flower reminds me of the St. John's Worts we had in our front yard in Portland! Your photograph of the mountain right after the sunset is beautiful. I also enjoyed the photos of the ships. It must be pretty awesome watching them arrive and depart. I remembered we always enjoyed watching the tugs on the Willamette River from our back window--and tugs are so small compared with those cruise ships!


    1. Hi Bethany, Thank you so much for the kind words. I do feel very lucky to be able to watch all the ships entering and leaving the Port. This morning I was trying to get this post published and kept getting interrupted by another ship coming or going and had to grab the camera. You are so right about the tugs vs. cruise ships. And you mentioned Portland ... yes, I recall you were there. Small world! Portland is such a great city. I love it down there! Thanks again Bethany!

  5. Hi Nora, Thanks to your kind comment I just found your excellent blog, Island Rambles. I sure appreciate you stopping by and leaving such an encouraging comment. Hope to see you again often ... you'll be seeing me on Island Rambles! :-)

  6. Great post. Your harbor keeps you in entertainment all day and night too I suppose.

    1. Thank you Red. You are right ... day and night. I don't take many photos at night so I don't have many to share on the blog, but, yes, the traffic out there continues.

  7. Such excellent photos, you live in an amazing place.

    1. Hi Jabbott, Thank you for such a kind comment. I do feel lucky to be in this location. I'm also lucky to have kind people, like yourself, following the blog and giving me encouraging comments. Thanks again!

  8. Lots of lovely shots today John! I can't say what is my favourite as there are so many. You are blessed to be by the water and the mountains. They give so many wonderful photo opportunities. Have a wonderful week ahead.

    1. Hi Joyful, I love it when people say they can't pick a favorite because there are so many. That is so kind and thank you! Hope you also have a wonderful week ahead!

  9. I love these photos!! Especially the one of the Olympic Mountains in the distance...and also the one with Mt. Rainier!

    1. Hi O E, Thank you, as always, for keeping an eye on the blog here and your kind comments. Hope you have a great week ahead!

  10. ohhhhhhhhhh

    mountains and clouds at made my morning

  11. How nice it would be to be surrounded by these beauties all day every day.

    Look at the skies! So marvelous.

  12. Amazing post, John, everything is so nice, from the ships to the flowers and the sunsets.
    Many greetings!


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Snow Stamps Skies Ships

Welcome to John's Island. In this post ... 1. Snow in Seattle. 2. Vintage stamps from my stamp collection. 3. Colorful Seattle skies. 4....