Wednesday, June 1, 2016

Yellowstone Panoramas [ca 1907]

From our Yellowstone Collection ...

Old Faithful Inn
Yellowstone National Park
ca. 1907

Panoramic Artura is a small booklet, 13 1/2" by 4 1/2", held together by clasps on the left edge. The cover is made from parchment-like paper. Published by C. T. Peick & Co, McGregor, Iowa, in around 1907, this little booklet contains 10 panoramic images of places in the Park. Although the publication date is uncertain, someone has written August, 1907, on the cover and on one of the photos showing the tent they used during their camping excursion.

Panoramic Artura
The C T Peick & Co
McGregor, Iowa

Willow Park Camp
Yellowstone National Park, The Wylie Co
Note the X by the tent the tourist stayed in and writing at bottom.

We believe Panoramic Artura to be a fairly rare item. This is the only copy we've seen in over a quarter century of collecting YNP memorabilia.

Golden Gate
Yellowstone National Park

This booklet must be a good example of the state-of-the-art of producing panorama photos in the early part of the 1900s. Let us know in the comments if you are interested in seeing the other images from Panoramic Artura.

The timing on this was well before color film. From Wikipedia:  "In 1935, American Eastman Kodak introduced the first modern "integral tripack" color film and called it Kodachrome." With that in mind we know the images here were hand-colored or produced by some other special process.  The bottom right of each image included these words: "Manz Colortypes Chicago."

Thanks for stopping by John's Island.


  1. Interesting and such beautiful pictures. I'd love to see more images.

  2. You sure do find some interesting historical documents, John. I enjoyed learning about pre-Kodachrome pictures. :-)

  3. Cool images.Have a great rest of the week.

  4. What wonderful pictures John, so much went into the colouring of them too.


  5. Hello, awesome Yellowstone scenes. My favorite park. Wonderful post and images. Happy Thursday, enjoy your day and weekend ahead!


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