Tuesday, June 14, 2016

National Flag Day

From our collection of old postcards ...

For Flag Day in America, 2016 ...  a card mailed 110 years ago ...

Front of card showing received June 3, 1906
at Yellowstone Park, Wyo

Address side of  the card showing Postmark May 31, 1906
Oaklane Station, Philadelphia, PA
Requesting "Hold for Arrival" for
Mr. and Mrs. C. H. James
at Mammoth Hot Springs Hotel
This is one of our favorite cards containing an image of the American Flag. To learn about the history of Flag Day take a look at USFlag.org  In brief, on August 3rd, 1949, President Truman signed an Act of Congress designating June 14th of each year as National Flag Day.

We like pictures with the flag and decided to look back in the archives for one to share here on Flag Day. The sun was just above the eastern horizon and starting to light up the neighborhood to our west when we snapped the photo below on June 9, 2016. We have seen this particular flag designated on nautical charts of Puget Sound to help establish locations.

Flag at south end of 28th Ave W
above Elliott Bay Marina
Sadly, the US Flag is at half-staff today due to the Orlando nightclub shooting.


  1. You are the second blogger to remind me that today is Flag Day. And yes, it's very sad that on this day we are seeing it at half staff. Such a sad and terrible event in Orlando. :-(

  2. Hello, I like your photos of the flag and the view. Your postcard is wonderful. My prayers go out to the victims and their families in Orlando.

  3. It is sad that our flag is at half staff today. Such a senseless tragedy.

  4. Very nice post for the "National Flag Day".
    Many greetings!

  5. Neat to see a postcard from 1906. As usual, I love the handwriting.


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