Wednesday, June 15, 2016

Fireboat Salute and More

Saturday morning, June 11th, the Leukemia Cup Regatta sailed past our location. It started with a salute from the Seattle Fireboat ...  [Click on photos for larger view]

Fireboat Salute
Saturday mornning, June 11th

Celebrating the Leukemia Cup Regatta

Closer look
From the Leukemia Cup Regatta website:  "The Leukemia Cup Regatta is an annual sailing event that takes place in Elliott Bay, adjacent to downtown Seattle. As the kickoff event of Elliott Bay Marina's Downtown Sailing Series, the Leukemia Cup Regatta is a casual race meant to bring sailors together over their love of boating and their commitment to fighting blood cancer. Over the last 20 years, the local sailing community has helped raise more than $1.8 million for blood cancer research and patient services." Their website is here.

Other weekend maritime activity ...

Holland America Amsterdam
Departing Sunday, June 12th

Aft decks crowed with cruisers
looking back at the city as
they depart for Alaska on the

BSL Limassol Container Ship
arriving in port, Sunday, June 12th

Ha ha

English Bay bulk carrier vessel
operated by Pacific Basin Shipping
Elliott Bay Marina below.
The English Bay is at anchor in this photo.
Absolutely great video from the Pacific Basin website ...

Alaska Marine Tug and Container Barge
Yes, the tow cable is long and just below the surface.

Ruby Princess arriving just after sunrise
Sunday, June 12th


  1. Really like the maritime pictures.

  2. John,I like seeing these pictures.Great variety and always beauty.Some day I hope to be on one of those cruise ships as it sets off to Alaska.

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. Loved the photos from your "lookout". The regatta is for a great cause.

    I saw an interesting program a few days ago about cancer. They were doing an information piece about cancer and some new treatment in Cuba that is not available elsewhere. The doctor who created the medicine (his name escapes me) was in Montreal for medical business and Canadian journos interviewed him. He was saying that he believes that in the future, people will live with cancer as a chronic condition rather than die early from it. In other words, he doesn't believe there will be a cure. I found that very interesting. The story was all about an American who travels to Cuba to get the treatment for lung cancer that should have killed him (according to American doctors) at least 4 years ago.

  5. Ship watchers have all kinds of information to go along with the ships that go by. Interesting!

  6. You look to have a great time watching all that shipping

  7. Hello John! you do have a great view of the fireboat, sailboats and the cruise ships. My cruise on the Amsterdam to Alaska was my first cruise and I loved it. Wonderful photos. Happy Thursday, enjoy your day!

  8. I like the regatta pictures and learning about its reason. And as usual your other boats made me smile. Hope you have a great day! :-)

  9. There is something magical about the way we can sail on top of the sea.

  10. Very interesting! Thanks for sharing👍

  11. Must be fascinating to witness this.

  12. What fun to be able to watch all the ships go by...:)

  13. Those sailboats look so tiny, though I know they are not. Thank you for your comment about my Four O'Clock flowers. My maternal grandmother always grew them and saved seeds for my mom. I am carrying on the tradition :)

  14. Stunning and interesting pictures, John!

  15. Very neat to see the salute! Great shot of the Ruby Princess as well.


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