Monday, December 26, 2016

Glacier National Park [1929]

Great Northern Goat
Volume 6, Number 5
July, 1929
Today's post features a little pamphlet published by the Great Northern Railroad in 1929. The "mascot" of the railroad was the Mountain Goat so they called this publication The Great Northern Goat. The GN was the transcontinental road that served Glacier National Park in the days when most long-distance tourist travel was on trains. The motivation to publish the Goat was simply to spark interest in travel, hopefully resulting in the railroad selling you a tour to Glacier National Park and/or the Pacific Northwest USA. We scanned the full brochure for you but don't expect you to be able to read all of it ...  hope you'll enjoy the pictures.

Most of the early Western Railroads had some sort of mascot. Railroad collectors love to find memorabilia related to the mascots. Here is one in our collection ... The Great Northern's Mountain Goat ...

Closing thought ...
All generalizations are false, including this one.
     Mark Twain


  1. The pictures are very interesting. I also spent some time reading the text, amazed at the quality of the pictures and text for a free brochure! Thanks, John, for sharing this. :-)

  2. Glacier National park is still and awesome place.


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