Friday, December 9, 2016

Skywatch Friday and PCFW #15

Recent skies ...

Sunset, December 6th, 4:34 PM
Looking southwest over Puget Sound
from our deck.

The Brothers - Olympic Mountains
as seen from Seattle
December 7th  9:43 AM

An older favorite ...

Sunrise on a cold day in Madison County, Montana
January 2nd  7:16 AM
Sphinx Mountain in the left.
Linking up with Skywatch Friday.  Thanks to Yogi♪♪♪ for hosting!

Postcards for the Weekend #15 ...

The Christmas Season Arrives at Gateway Yard
The Pittsburgh & Lake Erie Railroad Company
From original painting by Howard Fogg

Back of the unused card.
Postcard published by New York Central System [ca 1964]
This weekend's theme for Postcards for the Weekend is: Winter Scenes. We chose some of our favorite cards from the collection and hope you enjoy. These postcards were published in the mid-60s by the New York Central System railroad (The Pittsburgh & Lake Erie Railroad Company) largely because the CEO of the company loved Howard Fogg's railroad art. Howard was commissioned to paint these scenes for the railroad. John loves trains and that is why he added them to his collection. These are just a few of the Howard Fogg cards in the collection. Some have been posted on John's Island in the past and we will probably post more in the future. Let us know in the comments if you like these old postcards. The descriptions in the captions are from the cards. Thanks to Maria for hosting Postcards for the Weekend.

Beaver Station and Ohio River Bridge
December, 1949
The Pittsburgh & Lake Erie Railroad Company
From original painting by Howard Fogg

Back of the unused card.
Postcard published by New York Central System [ca 1964]

Christmas Eve 1961 -- McKees Rocks Locomotive Shop
The Pittsburgh & Lake Erie Railroad Company
From original painting by Howard Fogg

Back of the unused card.
Postcard published by New York Central System [ca 1964]

Buffalo -- Pittsburgh Express -- Christmas 1956
The Pittsburgh & Lake Erie Railroad Company
From original painting by Howard Fogg

Back of the unused card.
Postcard published by New York Central System [ca 1964]

Christmas Mail -- 1907 -- Stoops Ferry, PA.
The Pittsburgh & Lake Erie Railroad Company
From original painting by Howard Fogg

Back of the unused card.
Postcard published by New York Central System [ca 1964]
Closing thought ...
Life is 10% what happens to us and 90% how we react to it.
     Dennis P Kimbro


  1. That first photo is awesome and I love the postcards but then I love seeing trains liveingnear the railway helps. Glad you like my Daily Photo blog

  2. Hello John, gorgeous sunset. The view of the mountain is lovely. You do have a great train postcard collection. Happy Friday, enjoy your weekend!

  3. Some outstanding skies in different formations. Excellent captures. Found the history of the railroads most interesting.

  4. You have such boring horizons there in Washington.

  5. Wow what a beautiful sunset.
    Nice train postcards too.

  6. What a beautiful sunset. A woman I went to high school and college with loves to collect vintage postcards, and sells them on eBay. She would love these. Alana

  7. I always love your sky shots and post cards. when I'm rlly bored I get a book of train photos from the library.

  8. Hello John, beautiful views from there! I wonder if I will have good luck when I visit to see these beautiful sceneries. The postcards are also really beautiful! The steam trains make me think of the Hogwarts Express from the Harry Potter movies. It's quite a tradition for me to rewatch the series during Christmas break.

  9. John,you know I love any picture with mountains in it and these are gorgeous.I do like the old steam engines as well.Have a great weekend.

  10. I love that opening photo, and you have an awesome view from your deck!! I'm a fan of those postcards too!

  11. I do love those train postcards showing views from the past...

  12. Winter and trains always seems quite romantic, in my head at least! You have an amazing collection of cards, thanks for showing them to us!

  13. I always think of you and trains together, John. Love the winter scenes. :-)

  14. The postcards are gorgeous, a very talented artist, the Christmas ones are a nice touch, I assume the railroad company would also send them out as Christmas cards, nice to find one of those in the post. Lovely sunsets, we've been having a lot of mist so they are in short supply here.

  15. Beautiful skywatch photos, I really loved the photo of the mountains.

    And a bonus with postcards. My Mother lived in Seattle right after WWII and, unknown to me until a few months ago, she had quite a collection of Seattle postcards. I've been wondering what to do with them.

  16. this sunset is captivating .truly treat to soul John.
    mountains and sunrise is fabulous too.
    i loved these post cards as my inner child is still hugely fascinated by TRAINS so much .they display stunning views of Christmas enthusiasm .
    they reminded me our train journey when we used to travel before our yearly festival to meet our grand parents and our heart were filled with joy and thrill while watching through windows running scenes

  17. Original approach to the Postcards for the weekend theme! I always like pictures of trains.


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