Sunday, December 4, 2016

Sky Watch - Recent Snaps

A couple of recent snaps for Skywatch Friday ...

Fresh snow on the Olympic Mountains
Nov 28th  8:00 AM
The picture above shows the new look of the Olympic Mountains as seen from our place. At summer's end just about all the snow had disappeared and it is nice to see it back again. The first potential for new snow here in the city of Seattle appears to be in the next few days as some cold air moves in from the north. The picture below doesn't do justice to the majesty of the sky at the moment of the snap. It was predictable, however, with a solid overcast above and a nice clearing along the western horizon. An amazing orange glow reflected from the clouds lasted for just a minute or two.

Overcast sunset.
Nov 30th  4:15 PM
A more recent shot of the first scene, taken this morning ...

Dec 4th  10:00 AM
Note the Harbourmaster's Home at lower right.
The Brothers, Olympic Mountains, in the distance.

Thanks to the hosts of Skywatch: Yogi, Sandy, and Sylvia.  Check out more sky photos here.

Closing thought ...
The truth is more important than the facts.
     Frank Lloyd Wright


  1. John, that is quite a view. We also have the potential for some snow in the next few days. I do enjoy some winter weather.

  2. John,these are spectacular pictures. Mountains are always beautiful,but the snow sure makes them even better.Enjoy your day.

  3. The Olympic mountains give you a very beautiful view and when you get a sunset it's a bonus.

  4. I don't imagine you would ever get sick of that view John, quite awesome.


  5. I always enjoy your sky pictures. We have fresh snow predicted here, too. Fortunately for me, tomorrow morning I fly off to Florida. Yay! :-)


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Welcome to John's Island. In this post ... 1. Snow in Seattle. 2. Vintage stamps from my stamp collection. 3. Colorful Seattle skies. 4....