Monday, December 4, 2023

Dinner in the Diner 100 Years Ago

Chairman's Special - Western Trip - October, 1923

Heaven's Peak from Granite Park
Glacier National Park

Dinner Menu - Friday, October 12, 1923
Great Northern Railway
Chairman's Special - Western Trip
> Grape Sherbet <

History Lesson:  Louis W. Hill was Chairman of the Board of the Great Northern Railway in 1923. One of Louis’ greatest legacies was his enthusiastic promotion of tourism and the national park system. He maintained an interest in the American Indian tribes of Montana and became a collector of Blackfoot material, now housed in the Science Museum of Minnesota.


  1. Hello John,
    I love the vintage brochure, the dinner sounds delicious. Louis W. Hill sounds like a great man, promoting the national parks. We could use more people like him today. Glacier is another beautiful national park. Take care, have a great week!

  2. I looked closely at the photo to see if I could spot Granite Park Chalet. I also looked at my photos for that area when I did the one way hike from Logan Pass. Thank you for passing on a lovely history lesson!

  3. What fun! Thanks for the history lesson, John.

  4. Interesting to see ice cream on the menu. I couldn’t imagine refrigeration was so perfected at that time. It wasn’t where my family lived.

  5. Early development was interesting. Tourism had it's early time of development as well,

  6. Rice custard with vanilla sauce, well, they really knew what was delicious! Very nice, John, the picture too. So wonderfully vintage. Greetings from the Netherlands.

    Do you have snow at your place now?

  7. Louis sounds man with vision no doubt because tourism is sharing the burden of so many economies today specially western countries
    dinner must be excellent dear John!
    best wishes for you and family!

  8. The dinner sounds very nice ...

    All the best Jan

  9. I bet this place looks stunning in person. That's a good variety of dishes. I wonder how much they cost back then.

  10. A real contemporany history. Is good to remember.

  11. If time travel were possible, I would want to go back and ride the rails during this time. What an experience it must have been!

  12. Louis W. Hill's legacy as Chairman of the Great Northern Railway in 1923 reflects his impactful contributions to the promotion of tourism and the national park system. His keen interest in the American Indian tribes of Montana, particularly the Blackfoot, is evident through his collection of their material, which is now preserved in the Science Museum of Minnesota. It's a fascinating intersection of transportation history, cultural preservation, and promotion of the natural wonders of the national parks.

  13. Elegant 1923 menu, interesting piece!


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