Thursday, August 30, 2012

August Sunrises

As the month of August draws to a close we thought we would take a look back and find some sunrise photos to share. Some were on the blog and some were not. We are leaving the Island for a break and will see you again in September. Until then, take care and best to all. Thanks for stopping by John's Island.

August 1 - Green Lake

August 6 - Just before dawn at Green Lake

August 12 - Highrise reflections

August 14 - On the trail at Green Lake

August 16 - Through the cattails at Green Lake

August 25 - While visiting the smoky skies of Montana

August 26 - We liked the shadows created by the clouds

Wednesday, August 29, 2012

Western Hemlock

Hello followers and visitors. Today we are wrapping up our posts sharing photos from our visit to the Pacific Rim Bonsai Collection. There is more to share, like the gift shop and some hand crafted wood carvings. We plan to feature those in a future post. Today's bonsai is a Western Hemlock. We hope you have enjoyed this series and thanks for stopping by John's Island.

Info ....

Tuesday, August 28, 2012

Bald Cypress Bonsai

Back on August 22 we started posting pictures from our visit to the Pacific Rim Bonsai Collection and we are nearing the end of those pictures, but have just a couple more we can't resist sharing. Thanks for so many encouraging comments! Please be sure to click on the image for a larger view.  We decided not to crop this photo as it gives you an idea of how many of the bonsai are displayed outside.

Bald Cypress

Info .... 

Thank you for stopping by John's Island!

Monday, August 27, 2012

Japanese White Pine - Bonsai

Continuing our visit to Pacific Rim Bonsai Collection:

The Japanese White Pine is just one of the bonsai we are featuring from our visit to the Pacific Rim Bonsai Collection. Be sure to see all. Thanks for stopping by John's Island.

Sunday, August 26, 2012

Bonsai - 20 Trees

Continuing our visit to Pacific Rim Bonsai Collection:

Catlin Elm

We said that the bonsai in yesterday's post amazed us, and we don't want to overuse that term, but isn't this one in the same category? According to the information plaque (below) this display is a grove of 20 trees.

Many thanks to those who have been leaving us the kind comments and thanks to all for stopping by John's Island.

Saturday, August 25, 2012

Bonsai - Chinese Juniper on Sierra Juniper

Continuing our visit to Pacific Rim Bonsai Collection:

This one amazes us ... it is actually centuries old and look at that trunk ... what a work of art!

Thanks for stopping by John's Island.

Friday, August 24, 2012

Bonsai - Part 3 - Willow Leaf Fig

Continuing our visit to Pacific Rim Bonsai Collection:  Willow Leaf Fig

Info ....

Wishing you a fine weekend and thanks for stopping by John's Island.

Thursday, August 23, 2012

Bonsai - Part 2

Continuing our visit to Pacific Rim Bonsai Collection .... an award winner: Bougainvillea 

Info .... 

Wednesday, August 22, 2012

Pacific Rim Bonsai Collection

John's Island recently visited the Pacific Rim Bonsai Collection owned by and located near the world headquarters of Weyerhaeuser Corporation.  Bonsai is a Japanese art form using miniature trees grown in containers. We found the collection to be quite interesting and want to share some photos and information.

The entrance to the Collection is, not surprisingly, in an area with the atmosphere of a forest, just south of Seattle, near Federal Way, Washington.... (Be sure to click on photos for larger view.)

A plaque describes Bonsai....

Chinese Banyan....


Before closing this post, a very special "thank you" to our followers who voted on the best photo to represent John's Island (see August 18). We were delighted to get votes on 3 of the 4 photos!

Thanks to all for stopping by John's Island.

Saturday, August 18, 2012

Pictures of John's Island?

Actually, no, this is not John's Island. However, we are considering it for our mascot. Maybe our profile picture too. Who knows? In reality, this is Duck Island and it is in Green Lake. The last picture below shows it on the official map posted at the Park. We especially like the wording on the map: "Duck Island State Game Wildlife Reserve - No Trespassing - Unlawful to hunt, fish, or trap on island." Now that fits in exactly with our corporate policy here. So, being that you have been kind enough to view the pics and read this far, would you also leave us a comment and tell us which picture you like best? And, as always, thank you for stopping by John's Island.

Friday, August 17, 2012

Spotlight on Trees - August 17

Today we selected some of the trees around Green Lake that have impressed us during our walks. We hope you enjoy them as well.

Thanks for stopping by John's Island.

Thursday, August 16, 2012

August 16 - Get Your Ducks in a Row

At Green Lake, shortly before sunrise this morning.  Is this where the old saying comes from?

Our 25th daily post featuring sights while walking around the lake. Check out the others going back to July 23rd, and be sure to click on photos for the larger view.  Green Lake is in the metropolitan Seattle, Washington, area.

Thanks for stopping by John's Island.

Wednesday, August 15, 2012

August 15 - Sunrise and a hatch?

Today's sunrise at Green Lake ...

And something like a "hatch" ?

From fly fishing we know about hatches. Well, this is when bugs have more bugs and the new ones are called a hatch. Usually there are a lot of them. Around Green Lake these little bugs are around some mornings ... about the size of gnats, although we don't really know if that is what they are. Anyway, with the light hitting them just right it's easier to see them.  The second picture is a close up that shows the amazing number of these little insects.

Finally ... an appealing form of exercise ...

Thanks for stopping by John's Island and a special thanks for the kind comments!

At John's Island our current endeavor is to walk daily the 3 miles around Green Lake. If we find anything we think is interesting we share it here on the Island. John probably owes the encouragement for this endeavor to his grandmother who kept a wonderful daily diary during most of her adult life. 

Tuesday, August 14, 2012

Maple Love - August 14

Since we started walking around Green Lake in July we've seen
this flower decoration replaced 2 or 3 times.  
The Bigleaf Maple was loved!

Thanks for stopping by John's Island where our current project is to walk around Green Lake daily and try to find something to photograph and share.

Sunday, August 12, 2012

Sunday Walk Around Green Lake - August 12

22nd daily walk around Green Lake -- and here are today's photos ...

Going for a swim with the dog .... (no, not me ... but someone having fun) ....

Spotted the eagle again in the same location ....

Reflections ....

John's Island: Sharing a little bit of John's world. Thanks for stopping by!

Green Lake is in the metropolitan Seattle, Washington, area.

It's About Time

Reminder: Daylight "Saving" Time begins tomorrow morning at 2:00 AM (March 9, 2025) in USA  100 years ago there were no smartphon...