Tuesday, May 17, 2016

Gunde Maersk

Recent snaps from John's Island ...

Maritime ...

Our photos of ships are taken from Seattle looking over Elliott Bay, Puget Sound, Washington, USA.

Gunde Maersk departing Seattle
May 17, 2016
Vessel Details:  Maersk Line Gunde Maersk Info

Road trip last week ...

Potato Fields with a view.
Grand Teton Mountains in the distance.
We snapped this last week near Ashton, Idaho.
You are looking at the western side of the Tetons.
Although Idaho is the top potato producing State, Grant County, Washington, is the top producing county. :-)

For our birding friends ...

Little visitor stopped by neighbor's roof and stayed
for a portrait.
May 11, 2016
Thanks for stopping by John's Island.


  1. Nice bird shot! And the potato fields with a view, too. :-)

  2. I'm not sure what I like best, beautiful ocean views or mountain views. I think they are equally beautiful! the robin looks like he's been eating well. I saw a very hefty Robin at my friend's barbecue last weekend.

  3. Hi John, a few years ago my husband's cousin brought a cargo ship into Seattle for repairs. While he was there with the ship being worked on, we went over to visit him. It was our first time on a ship like that, and because he had no crew or cargo we were able to get a tour of the ship. They are pretty amazing. Also, we live in Grant County and the whole Idaho potato thing is a touchy thing to some of the farmers around here. It's funny how they don't want to "share" the glory. Thanks for mentioning our local boys :)
    Have a great day and keep smiling.
    Connie :)

  4. John,I'm convinced that the Tetons are the most beautiful mountain range in North America.

  5. It's unbelievable how massive the container ships are. It's amazing how they maneuver.

  6. Hello, those containers hips are huge. I love the gorgeous views of the Tetons. Cute shot of the Robin! Happy Wednesday, enjoy your day!

  7. Can't wait for our trip to Seattle this summer as part of our road trip. I'll be looking for that first shot!

  8. Those big ships amaze me with their cargo piled so high. The mountains are really beautiful and that robin is the perfect sign of spring.


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Snow Stamps Skies Ships

Welcome to John's Island. In this post ... 1. Snow in Seattle. 2. Vintage stamps from my stamp collection. 3. Colorful Seattle skies. 4....