Sunday, May 8, 2016

National Nurses Week 2016

I just discovered that May 6 through 12th is National Nurses Week. The photo above is the entry way to one of the Units at Swedish Hospital, in Seattle, where little babies, mostly preemies, are cared for by nurses, doctors, and other staff, until they can go home with their parents. Most commonly, nurses have multiple babies in their care which makes it difficult to spend as much time as they would like with each baby. Research has shown the importance of human touch to little ones but often nurses cannot spare the time to simply hold a baby, to give them that human touch, for more than a few minutes. Often parents cannot be in the NICU simply because they have other children at home that must be taken care of, or even due to work or health issues. As a volunteer I am in the NICU to help by holding a little baby in my arms. I mention all this, because, over the last year or so, while I've been volunteering, I've met so many wonderful people who work in the NICU. You probably won't hear from them about National Nurses Week because, simply, they are not the kind of people who like to toot thier own horn. So, if you know any nurses, please give them a word of appreciation this week. I can't even imagine getting along in this world without them! To any nurses I know ... Thank You!

Thank you for stopping by John's Island.


  1. what a great post, john. wonderful tribute to all their caregiving - and yours, too. :)

  2. Nurses are too often overlooked and they play such an important part. A great post to make us aware of that. I join you in thanking them. : ) and thank you too John.

  3. Sounds like a wonderful time to love own these precious little babies..I'm sure the nurses appreciate this as well.

  4. My wife was a nurse. However, I applaud you for spending time with these poor little characters when they need a good long cuddle.

  5. Hello John, I am very thankful for the nurses and caregivers. Congrats to you for volunteering. That is so nice, great post.
    Happy Monday, enjoy your new week!

  6. Hoi John, you are good and dear volunteer, I think. They will feel your love, these little children. Have a good week.

  7. What a sweet thing to do, John. I volunteer in another way, helping people at the other end of life to make decisions about health care. But volunteers are very important everywhere. Thanks for letting me know about National Nurses Week. I know a few and will thank them personally. :-)

  8. My daughter is a nurse practitioner, and she also always ends up in a leadership role.


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