Saturday, December 3, 2016

Postcards for the Weekend #14

From John's old postcard collection ...

Today's feature:  Lighthouses

Jamestown, Rhode Island
Beavertail Lighthouse
3rd Oldest in USA
Built in 1749

Back of the unused card.
Published by H B Settle Co., Newport, R. I.

Graves Light House off Boston Harbor, Mass.
This week's theme for Postcards for the Weekend is lighthouses. Check out other postcards at the link up here. Thanks to Maria for hosting!

Back of the unused card.
Made in Germany.
Closing thought ...
Anxiety is the gap between the now and the later.
    Fritz Perls


  1. Hello, I love the lighthouses. Wonderful collection, John!
    Happy Saturday, enjoy your weekend!

  2. Beautiful old lighthouses, John. Always glad to see your "face" in the blogosphere. :-)

  3. Quite a little community by the Jamestown lighthouse, almost looks its floating on an island of rocks.

  4. Old postcards are very interesting and you have posted two really good ones. Thanks for putting them up.

  5. Lighthouses hold a special appeal.I have seen very few of them, but do like them.Thanks for your comments, they are a real encouragement to me.

  6. Some wonderful old postcards of lighthouses, wonder how they look now. Had a lookat the link you sent, looks a very nice house and the gardens could rival some of the ones over here.

  7. Light house always catch my interest. My favorite lighthouse is on Kauai. It's not used anymore but the sea comes crashing into the rocks.

  8. I have a small lighthouse collection.
    Love these cards.
    I think it would be fun to live in one. : )

  9. Nice vintage postcards for my favourite theme!

  10. I think Beavertail Lighthouse is one of the very few lighthouse I've seen with a couple or few other buildings around it. I wonder what are the purpose(s) for those other buildings... Thanks for sharing and linking up, John! Until next weekend.

  11. That scene with the water is so beautiful!

    “Anxiety is the gap between the now and the later.
    Fritz Perls”

    I like that!


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