Wednesday, December 9, 2020

Charlottetown, Prince Edward Island, Canada

As the pandemic rolls on it seems like a good time to go back and revisit some of last year's pleasures. One of my Top 10 from 2019 was the day I spent in Charlottetown, Prince Edward Island, Canada. Come along with me as I take a look back.

Finally made it to Prince Edward Island.
I've been fascinated with Canada's three Maritime
Provinces for years.

Our ship, Holland America's Veendam, arrived
about 9AM on September 25th.

After stepping off the ship we entered this large
building which is sort of a welcome hall. Gifts,
tours, and information are available.

Neat opportunity to say hello to a
Canadian Mountie. No, that is not me, I'm
snapping the picture.  😉

I love maps.
Here is a gorgeous large map of PEI.

Just outside the terminal is an attractive park
with a neat sign showing how to get around
in Charlottetown.

Walking into town I admired this persons mailbox.
Could I get away with this on my mailbox in Seattle?
Probably not but I wish I could.

As I passed Water Street Fish & Chips I said to myself,
"Going back there for lunch!"
I love fish and chips!

I am impressed with churches and spiritual places.
This is St. Dunstan's Basilica, opened in 1919.
Interesting coincidence, 100 years ago.
Three earlier churches stood on this site 
opening in 1816, 1847, and 1907.

The interior is wonderful.

I loved the many stained glass windows.

Back in the "heart" of the city.
Hey, look at that familiar coffee shop on the left.
Guess where their home is!

Very cool memorial to Sir John A Macdonald
who became Canada's first Prime Minister.

In a shop window I spotted this.
Impressive to say the least.
I hope you can read it.

I had an excellent encounter with the owner of a shop
called Bayberry Lane. Entrance by signboard
on the sidewalk, "GIFTS"

This photo is from Bayberry Lane's Facebook page.
Inside the shop I found some interesting socks.
The shop owner happened to be at the register for
checkout and told me his story about the socks.
See next photo.

These are Thermohair socks, made in Canada.
The shop owner told me to take them home and put
them on. If they didn't make me smile, return them
and he would refund my purchase.

When I got home I ended up ordering more!

Time for lunch.
Back to Water St Fish & Chips
Ordered the house special.
This was some of the best fish and chips
I have ever eaten. Amazing!

Heading back to the ship now.
I have to admit this sign is a good way to
remember what the year was.

This is the kind of place you probably won't find
in a big city port. A neat place to sit and relax
and watch the ships. 

Now that I'm back home it is fun to take a
virtual journey back by looking over
Charlottetown's website.
Discover Charlottetown

More recently (in 2020) I discovered
an interesting thing called a Moose Fart.
The first time I heard of it was via one of my
favorite blogs, Island Musings, as a no-bake cookie.
On Charlottetown's website they offered this liquid version.


  1. I’ve never been to St. Dunstan’s. I hope to rectify that when the pandemic is over. Thanks for the shout out, John.

  2. Thanks for the virtual tour of Charlottetown. I just finished supper, so I am very full, but that fish looks tasty.I love the old church architecture , both inside and outside. Thanks again for your kind words on my blog.

  3. I think of PEI as belonging to my blogging friend Marie. You have introduced me to yet more of the island's offerings. I loved this trip I took with you virtually, John. :-)

  4. It is hard to remember what it was like to move so freely and enjoy things like you did here. I love all the pictures of Charlottetown. I love maps, too. Especially old maps. My grandson wanted his room all done in maps and his mom made him a light out of an old globe.
    Beautiful church pictures, too. Have a wonderful night, John- Diana

  5. I've never ben to PEI. Some day I hope to get there.

  6. Hi John- Have not been to Canada - it looks a lot like Britain and France though- thanks for showing us your Travel Log. Regards. KEV.

  7. Hello John,
    Thank you for the lovely tour of Charlottetown. The church is beautiful. The fish and chips and the moose fart looks and sound yummy. Did you smile when you put the socks on, they look very warm. Wonderful photos and memories of your cruise and trip! Take care, have a happy day!

  8. Looks like a great place to visit. Thanks for the tour. Will be so nice when we can travel around once again.
    I love fish and chips!!

  9. Hello John
    Many thanks for this lovely look back.
    The stained glass windows are lovely, but thank you for sharing all of these lovely photographs.

    All the best Jan

  10. Moose fart lol! :))) Hi John :) I lived on P.E.I. for a year back in 2010. I now live next door in New Brunswick. P.E.I. is a beautiful island. I've been to that restaurant for their fish and chips and oh my they do it right! Nice post! :)

  11. Wonderful post and place to visit John, The Basilica is beautiful. Are those fish & chips served in paper, like we used to have ours in Newspaper. That is a traditional way they has been lost to us for years. They do look good


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