Thursday, December 3, 2020

Journey of the Butterfly

A moth that looks like a hummingbird.
Illustration from Butterflies of America
by Lillian Davids Fazzini, 1934 

Consider the Journey of the Butterfly

A caterpillar crawls through life,
fearing birds and heels and strife.
Going nowhere very fast,
hoping, praying just to last
until the day –
may yet come soon –
when safety is found in a cocoon.

Selfish insect that it may be
hanging high in a Hickory tree,
soon it hears the woeful story
that there is no earthly glory
being buried in self-pity
when, in truth,
life can be pretty.

Thus, when ugly worm grows weary
of this useless life so dreary
then it breaks the bonds that bind it
leaving all its woes behind it
and from the tomb of its creation
works its own self liberation
'til at last it soars on high
now a grateful butterfly.

There is a lesson to be learned
from this worm whose life has turned.
I, too, can work to be free,
strive – and win – some liberty
all I need to do is change.
Daily habits re-arrange.
Join once more the human race.
Humbly pray to God for Grace
work with friends in unity
'til all selfish thoughts are gone
then, in truth, I shall be free
and my prize – SERENITY!!!

Credit: Christopher Ian Chenoweth at Positive Christianity


  1. A poem worth pondering. Thank you, John. :-)

  2. Our life is a journey. The butterfly undergoes a journey of many changes and ends up being happy.

  3. Hello Jon,

    What a lovely poem and message. We can do this! Thanks for sharing! Be safe, stay safe! Take care, enjoy your day! Have a happy weekend!

  4. dear John !

    How uplifting :) wow you just transformed my day believe me !

    thank you sooo much for such beautiful encouraging poetry ,did you write it ? if so you are incredibly beautiful poet with deep insight for life
    this poem deals with pattern of life of people who trap themselves in well of selfishness and suffer with complexity of behavior that worsen environment around them
    loved the message ,liberty is in their own hands and in no other's hand so true Divine truth and beautifully said !
    blessings to you and family!


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