Friday, December 18, 2020

ALONE Season 7 (No Spoilers)

In these last few posts of 2020, I want to mention things, I haven't mentioned before, that fascinated me and kept life interesting throughout the year. Those of you who follow the blog know that I've taken some extended breaks and, yet, my goal with the blog is to have it be a sort of digital journal I can look back on someday. So, I'm rushing now to record a few things for 2020. 

One of the most enjoyable ways I spent time this year was watching The History Channel's ALONE, Season 7. The seventh season premiered on June 11, 2020, there were 11 episodes, and the last episode aired on August 20. Participants attempted to survive for 100 days in the Arctic with a goal of winning a $1 million prize. ($1,000,000)

A trailer is below. (30 seconds via YouTube)

ALONE is the most intense survival series on television. Season 7 participants faced the biggest twist in series history—a 100-day challenge for 1 million dollars. The rules are simple, survive 100 days and win 1 million dollars. Over 6 seasons, no one ever lasted so long. Winning would be a struggle, especially when the survivalists had to endure the intense conditions and aggressive predators of the Arctic. Participants are, as the title says, all ALONE and must record their efforts to survive on video cameras they are provided. I have watched all 7 Seasons and would not want to miss even 1 episode.

ALONE Season 7 History Channel Streaming

ALONE is also available on Prime Video, without commercial interruption, for a fee.

Kielyn, the only Canadian, among the 10 participants,
on a cold Arctic day.

Now, one last thing ...

If you watched ALONE, I would love to hear your thoughts in the comments. Thank you for stopping by John's Island!


  1. I never heard of this before, John. I just went to see how much it would cost to watch that entire season ($25). Not a huge price, but with so much else to watch that I already subscribe to, I will probably not watch it. But I wish I had endless time, I'd watch it. :-)

  2. Hello, John
    I have not heard of this show. I think anyone who survives in the Arctic for the 100 days deserves a million dollars. Good luck to the Canadian participant. Take care, have a happy day!

  3. I love that series. People in a hostile environment showing us how our distant ancestors did it. I was thrilled to see two women get so far in the experience this year. It’s funny but in any situation, hiking etc, I always look around to see how I could survive there is I had to. Lol.

  4. I have never heard of that series. I honestly don't do much tv watching.

    1. We agree on TV ... don't watch much. However, got started on this show about 7 years ago. It is unlike ordinary TV stuff. If you are interested you can stream it on your computer at the History Channel website.

  5. Not only didn't I watch it, I'e never heard of it. We don't even have watch television anymore.

    1. I don't watch much TV either. However, this show is way beyond ordinary TV and that is why I'm bringing it up on the blog.

  6. Did they just drop these people off or did they have some gear? Curious.

    1. They do have some gear but there is a limit on how many items they can take in. The whole list is at this link ...

  7. Hi John- sounds a very interesting Series which you've thoroughly enjoyed. I don't watch TV apart from the National News...and parts of some 'Escape to the Country' shows...cannot stand so called 'Reality Shows'- but 'ALONE' sounds interesting. From what I can tell- a lot of shows on free TV are basically violent and all about criminals and criminal activity...certainly something to avoid. TV back in the 1970s was great! Best Wishes. KEV.

    1. Hi KEV, Thank you for stopping by and leaving me a comment. I should not be surprised that several have left comments saying they don't watch that much TV, because I don't either. :-) Like you, I mostly watch the evening news and a couple other weekly telecasts like 60 Minutes and CBS's Sunday Morning. And, again, like you, I can't stand most of those reality shows. ALONE is unlike any other TV I can think of. All of the video has to be filmed by the participants themselves and they do not have anyone, like a film crew, to help them. Lastly, I think you can watch this free, by streaming it on your computer at The History Channel. I guess there could be a catch on that ... here in the US one had to have "cable" TV in order to watch the History Channel. The show was telecast with commercials so there was no extra charge beyond the usual monthly cable charge. I watched Season 7 via Amazon's Prime Video where I had to pay about $25 but that also meant it was without commercials. Lastly, I'm not sure how all this would play out in a different country. Thanks again for stopping by. Best wishes! John

  8. i watched bit of it when we had subscription of cable t v many years ago dear John ,then service got worse as most of the channel went disappeared slowly
    then i saw a program " i should have not been alive " on geographic channel for few months and then channel went off too so we left the service and now we have only tv that works by internet connection so such adventures are gone but yes i find such programs really meaningful and unforgettable ,i love watching people surviving through actual ,natural hardships and like you i won't miss a single episode if got chance ,lucky you :) thank you for bringing my favorite topic on !
    wishing you all the peace ,health and joy in new year!


Questions, Compliments, and/or Suggestions: If you ask a question, please check back here, on the blog, for an answer within, usually, a day or two. Thank you in advance for compliments. I’ll try to keep an open mind about suggestions. All comments are moderated. Please note: Comments with active links will not be published. Comments with an inactive link are probably okay.

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