Thursday, October 2, 2014

North to Alaska [2014 - Day 6]

Thanks for joining us as we look back 3 weeks ago today to Day 6 of our voyage Seattle to Alaska and return. Today's schedule calls for us to spend the morning in Ketchikan. This is an enchanting small town that has become another tourist destination in Alaska.

Here's an overview of Ketchikan taken from the ship after docking ...

Cruise ships line up along the dock which is right at the town's edge ...

Ketchikan is tourist shopping at its best ...

One of several totem poles in town ...

Must see shops along Creek Street ...

Interior of a typical gift shop ...

Two photos you won't see on most cruiser's photo albums ... First, an antique fire truck on display at the Fire Department. It was such a nice display and none of the other tourists seemed to be paying it any attention so we thought we would stop in and snap a photo. Then, in the next photo, it's your United States Federal Building in Ketchikan. Possibly the largest building in town. Note the flag at half staff on this September 11th.

We like this scene ... cruisers relaxing at the picnic tables on the dock.  Possibly waiting for travelling partners who are still in the shops.

We just had to include the next shot. The ship was scheduled to depart Ketchikan about 25 minutes ago. We are late leaving because two cruisers haven't returned to the ship. In the photo below you see the big fork lift ready to move the gangway away from the ship. Three of the ship's crew are watching to see if the cruisers are going to return. About 5 minutes after this shot the gangway was removed and we departed ... without the two cruisers. An expensive mistake ... you don't want to miss the ship!

Departing Ketchikan ... we are now on our way to the next port stop:  Victoria, British Columbia, Canada.

Looking back, one last time ...

Thank you for stopping by John's Island.


  1. Oh, my! Those two cruisers would need to fly back to Seattle without their luggage. Hope they took identification with them when they departed. Yikes! :-)

  2. John, I remember the warnings from the ship that you were to return promptly as they had schedules to keep and would not wait. I can't imagine the panic if you looked at your watch and saw that you were already late for the ship! Lovely photos, and probably my only visit to Alaska.

  3. It looks like a great little town. I believe it is featured a lot in different movies. I would be afraid of "missing the boat" if I were on such a cruise. Yikes!


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Snow Stamps Skies Ships

Welcome to John's Island. In this post ... 1. Snow in Seattle. 2. Vintage stamps from my stamp collection. 3. Colorful Seattle skies. 4....