Monday, October 13, 2014

Visit to Yellowstone [2014 - 4 - Great Falls]

In Yellowstone National Park, October, 2014

What you don't see in the photos below are the five or six (large) buses in the parking lot at the head of the walkways to spots to take these shots ... literally hundreds of tourists ... many appear to be international guests ...  almost all of them clutching their cameras, cell phones, iPads, tablets, etc ... taking photos of the same scene.  Perhaps the difference with our shots is that we don't try to get in the photo. : - ) We're not trying to prove we were here ... just want to remember the beauty of what we saw.  It was a beautiful afternoon and perhaps you can see where they came up with the name ... yellow stone.

The Great Falls of the Yellowstone have been an inspiration to many artists. We found a great book that features a lot of this art ... Drawn to Yellowstone by Peter H. Hassrick ...

The book covers artwork featuring many of the other scenes in YNP, as well, and we recommend it to Yellowstone fans.

Thank you for stopping by John's Island.


  1. It's been a long time since I was at Yellowstone, and the crowds have only grown since then, it seems. You can sure see why it's called Yellow Stone! :-)

  2. Hi, John... have not been to Yellowstone, but it's on the bucket list. Those a great pictures, and I love falls.

  3. Hi John, this is another beautiful place I haven't been too. Your photos are very nice and you are travelling at what I think is the most beautiful time of year to enjoy (North American) scenery.

  4. It is beautiful beyond words. I visited there in the 90's.

  5. Gorgeous scenes. I remember when my Dad would take pictures.He always had to have the family in the picture to prove we were there.I prefer to see the scenery.

  6. Hi John. Hope to go there one day:-)
    Btw is it easy to drove there?
    Its lovely!

  7. My husband and I visited Yellowstone this past August. I remember photographing these same falls. Yes, it is quite congested with tourists which can, unfortunately, take away from or dampen the experience of viewing such gorgeous sights. Fantastic photographs of this stunning scene!


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