Friday, October 14, 2016

Last Dahlias 2016

Those of you who have been keeping an eye on John's Island will probably remember our visits to the Dahlia Garden at Seattle's Volunteer Park. Our last visit for this year took place on Tuesday, October 11th, and here are some snaps showing how the dahlias looked on that day ...

[Click on image for larger view]

Previous posts this year on our visits to the Puget Sound Dahlia Garden … First look … second visit … third visit.

If you have a favorite please let us know in with a comment.

Beyond dahlias ...

Fall colors ...

These snaps are all within the last week.

Ships spotted ...

In our last post we shared the photo below of the CMA CGM Dalila arriving in the predawn darkness on Friday.
CMA CGM Dalila
Arriving in predawn darkness.
Friday, October 7th  5:30 AM
We got lucky and happened to have the camera at hand when we noticed the same ship departing with a new load of containers on Monday afternoon. Yes, yes, we know the name of the ship is close to the name of the flowers we featured above ... just a coincidence! :-) Anyway, we thought it was an unusually long time in port ... 4 days ... for this ship. It seems like the turn-around for most large container ships is closer to 2 or 3 days.

CMA CGM Dalila
Departing at sunset.
Monday, October 10th  6:30 PM

Coast Guard Cutter
October 11th  8:51 AM
Bainbridge Island in the distance.

Cap Jervis Container Vessel
Owned and operated by Hamburg Süd Liner Services
Flies the flag of Liberia
Arriving Seattle
October 12th  1:37 PM
October 14th  12:58 PM
Smaller container vessel arriving during our wind storm.
Note "white caps" on Puget Sound
Two for One
It's unusual to catch ships passing out in the Sound.
Hanjin northbound, Matson southbound.
October 13th  9:45  AM
Hanjin Seattle Container Vessel
Arriving Seattle October 14th
This vessel seemed unusually close to the Marina,
especially considering our significant wind storm!

Postcards for the Weekend ...

It's time to link up again with Maria's Connections to the World and Postcards for the Weekend. This week's theme:  children/child. Here's what we found in the collection ...

That's right:  Four happy babies!

Oh Willy!

Publication date for these postcards is probably around 1900 to 1910. The back of the cards indicate they were published in Germany and are part of a series 7662. These are embossed cards. Be sure to check out other Postcards for the Weekend from other bloggers.

While we are smiling, let us recommend a video ...

We would like to thank Bethany Carson, who publishes the blog Today Liberty or Death, and one of her followers, Martha, who publishes Plowing Through Life, for bringing to our attention the video below. Watch this for some smiles and truth! The Restaurant of Life ...

Skies ...

We can't close with a few sky photos ... hope you enjoy!

October 11th sunset   6:33 PM
Southern portion of Olympic Mtns in far distance.
Looking out over Puget Sound.
Our sky photos were taken earlier in the week. This morning, Friday, we are in the midst of the first significant storm of autumn. Lots of rain, heavy at times, last night. Our barometer dropped rapidly but is now on the rise at about 7 am. Wind gusts have created power outages around the metro area but we have been lucky so far. An even stronger storm, remnants of a typhoon, is forecast to come through on Saturday. Be sure to check out more sky photos on Skywatch Friday

Eye of the storm?
Friday afternoon, October 14th
Wow, it has been WINDY today!

Mountain Silhouette
October 11th  6:35 PM
Olympic Mountains from Seattle, Washington

Closing thought ...
There is no coming to heaven with dry eyes.
     Thomas Fuller


  1. this was an eye-teasing post. Lovely colorful things, purdy skies. Kudos

  2. As usual, much to enjoy. I loved that third-to-last dahlia picture. It looks luminous. And the cute cartoon postcard, I really enjoyed that, too. :-)

  3. I love those mountain silhouette shots, but I think the dahlias steal the show!

  4. they're just impressive blooms. lovely sea shots and skies, too.

  5. A post full of beauty,laughs and serious thought.You know I love the Dahlias,I could never pick just one favorite.The video,is funny but there is so much truth in it.John,you put together a fantastic post.

  6. The Dahlias are such striking flowers.

  7. Dahlias are a very showy flower. My Mom grew dahlias. Now you do have some fall colors with your trees. Our leaves are long gone.

  8. Gosh - what a full post! Love the old postcards.

  9. Really a wide post, John, I liked very much the Dahlia photos and all the other images. So interesting the postcards.
    Greetings from Turin!

  10. Wow - those dahlias are just fabulous! Have a lovely weekend.

  11. Beautiful flowers❀❀...great see views and sweet postcards♥...
    I like them all!!

  12. I'd be honest that I could only count 3 babies not 4! Thanks for sharing these 2 cards John. It's also nice to read about your visit to the Dahlia garden and seeing the photos.

  13. Your vintage postage made me smile...

  14. The dahlias are gorgeous! Love the butterflies on them as well. We just had our first frost a couple days ago. It killed most of my flowers, except the allysums and blue salvia. Right before the frost the monarchs were giving plenty of awesome photo ops on the flowers.

    So glad you enjoyed The Restaurant of Life! Studio C makes a lot of great videos, and that is one of my favorite of theirs.

    I also really like your Eye of the Storm photo.

    Have a great weekend!

  15. Those are some super beautiful dahlias. And I liked all the ship photos. I always enjoy Puget Sound. Taking a ferry over to the Olympic Peninsula is something I never get tired of.

  16. A pleasure to see all thos flowers. Thanks you.

  17. Amazing beautiful stuff .you wrote a perfect rich post with various delightful features. I loved the flowers most .you amzed with your detail about ship smartly captured.
    Hope windstorm is gone and you are having pleasant weather now

  18. Amazing beautiful stuff .you wrote a perfect rich post with various delightful features. I loved the flowers most .you amzed with your detail about ship smartly captured.
    Hope windstorm is gone and you are having pleasant weather now


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Snow Stamps Skies Ships

Welcome to John's Island. In this post ... 1. Snow in Seattle. 2. Vintage stamps from my stamp collection. 3. Colorful Seattle skies. 4....