Monday, November 13, 2023


November 13, 2023

I spotted a bird clinging to a utility pole about 200 feet from my window today and I wondered if it would remain in place long enough for me to get the camera and snap a picture. I do think I got lucky to get the capture below. The next step was to ID and using Google Lens it quickly showed up as a Northern Flicker. 

Later, as sunset approached, I noticed a hummer at my feeder. Again, I wondered if the little bird would remain in place long enough for me to grab the camera. And again, I got lucky. Surprisingly, the hummer stayed in place and kept feeding even as I got close. Near the end of the day their priority seems to be to drink as much as possible before settling somewhere to spend the night.

[Click on images for larger view.]

Later still, the sunset created a beautiful, colorful sky. That made the 3rd lucky photo of the day.


  1. Hello, John
    Beautiful captures of the Flicker and your sweet hummingbird. The sunset is stunning, beautiful colors. Take care, have a great day and happy week ahead!

  2. The Northern Flickers stick around Calgary for the winter. I like when they fly and you can see the red under their wings and even more so if the sun catches underneath the wings. I always try to capture a photo of that but no luck. Your three photos are charm-filled!

  3. I don't know if it's lucky as much as it's talent! Good shots, in any event, John. Thanks!

  4. I love flickers, and we have them locally. Beautiful birds, and there's a distinctive field mark when they fly away -- the flash of white feathers in the tail. I've never managed a picture of one, though.

  5. Great shots! We have Flickers in our neighbourhood and they have a distinctive call we have come to know. We haven’t been as lucky seeing hummers.

  6. Did you buy a lottery ticket.? We don't often get lucky to have the critters stay in place.

  7. Wow you got some great captures!!!

  8. Lovely birds and a wonderful sunset.

    All the best Jan

    1. Hello John :=)
      What a lucky shot! The Northern Flicker is one of my favourite Woodpeckers. It is a very beautiful bird with spec tacular markings. :=) Lovely hummer shot and sunset image.

  9. Lovely photos of the birds, John.
    And what a gorgeous sunset!
    Happy Friday!

  10. Look at your great shots! Isn't it fun when shots come together like that?! Thank you for linking up and have a great week ahead.

  11. Beautiful! The last photo, the sunset, truly looks like a gorgeous oil painting.



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