Wednesday, November 22, 2023

Thanksgiving Joy to You

 From my collection of vintage postcards, Thanksgiving Joy to you.

Thanksgiving Joy
Early 1900s postcard.

Back of the card.
Postmarked Nov 23 ... 1901?
[ 122 Years Ago ]
Stamp - One Cent - Upside Down
Hello Mabel ... 😊
Feeling well just now.
Going to spend Thanksgiving
at home.


  1. With the writing on this card, you'd wonder that it went anyplace. Happy Thanksgiving.

  2. I wonder how strawberries got into the Thanksgiving image? And whether the upside down stamp had some significance. Happy Thanksgiving!

  3. Love the postcards! Happy Thanksgiving to you and your family!

  4. Heartfelt Happy Thanksgiving to you and family dear John!

    reading comment above reminds me of question that has risen in my mind long ago when i first time got familiar with Thanksgiving and how Turkey is bound to the day :)
    though with time it slipped from .
    the old post card is lovely and pretty
    health peace and joy to you and loved ones!

  5. Happy Thanksgiving! That postcard is a treasure!

  6. Thank you for sharing that special postcard from so long ago. I enjoyed seeing the handwriting, as well. Happy Thanksgiving to you and yours, John!

  7. ..John, thanks for sharing the vintage card. I remember putting stamps on cards to my Sweetie upside down. Have a Happy Thanksgiving.

  8. Wow that post card has been around a while.
    Happy Thanksgiving to you and your familly.

  9. Hello John :=)
    I like your vintage card, I was even able to read the handwriting. For 10 days now I have been on a blog break, but just came over to say Happy Thanksgiving John. I wish you and your family all the best and many blessings.

  10. A glimpse of the distant past. A treasure! Happy Thanksgiving!

  11. Me gusta la primera postal. Te deseo un Feliz día de acción de Gracias para ti y tu familia. Te mando un beso.

  12. Aw. Seeing vintage things make me feel nostalgic. How many vintage postcards do you have in your collection?

  13. That is a special postcard.
    Hope you enjoyed Thanksgiving.

    All the best Jan


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