Wednesday, March 25, 2015

Birds and Flowers -- First Day Issues [Final Part 17 and Index]

From our collection ... More birds and flowers ... First Day Issues ... Please be sure to see the introduction, information about artists, and stamps, in our March 1, 2015, post. As you have noticed, we are posting the 50 States in alphabetical order, so if you've missed a state you want to see, please check the Index below.

Today we have last two States ...

Wisconsin ... The Badger State ...

Wyoming ... The Cowboy State ...

We hope you've enjoyed these as much as we've enjoyed posting them. Some observations (good trivia?) after all is said and done ...

***  The most popular color seems to be red ... 7 Cardinals, Rhode Island's Red, and several "red" flowers.

***  Only two States have both flower and bird named after the State ... California and South Carolina.

***  Only one State has a bird name after a different State ... Utah. Thanks to blogger Red who left us a comment explaining why "... The California Gull came in just in time to eat up all the grasshoppers and save the first crop the LDS people sowed."

***  The second most popular bird is the Western Meadowlark ... 6 States.

If you have time, will you leave us a comment ... Were you able to pick a favorite bird illustration and/or stamp and which State(s)? Thanks, as always, for stopping by John's Island.


Here is the list of 50 US States with our post on Birds and Flowers:  (Click on State name to see the post)

Alabama ... Yellowhammer and Camellia

Alaska ... Willow Ptarmigan and Forget-Me-Not

Arizona ... Cactus Wren and Saguaro Cactus Blossom

Arkansas ... Mockingbird and Apple Blossom

California ... California Quail and California Poppy

Colorado ... Lark Bunting and Rocky Mountain Columbine

Connecticut ... Robin and Mountain Laurel

Deleware ... Blue Hen Chicken and Peach Blossom

Florida ... Mockingbird and Orange Blossom

Georgia ... Brown Thrasher and Cherokee Rose

Hawaii ... Hawaiian Goose and Hibiscus

Idaho ... Mountain Bluebird and Syringa

Illinois ... Cardinal and Violet

Indiana ... Cardinal and Peony

Iowa ... Eastern Goldfinch and Wild Rose

Kansas ... Western Meadowlark and Sunflower

Kentucky ... Cardinal and Goldenrod

Louisiana ... Brown Pelican and Magnolia

Maine ... Chickadee and White Pine Cone & Tassel

Maryland ... Baltimore Oriole and Black-Eyed Susan

Massachusetts ... Black-Capped Chickadee and Mayflower

Michigan ... Robin and Apple Blossom

Minnesota ... Common Loon and Showy Lady Slipper

Mississippi ... Mockingbird and Magnolia

Missouri ... Eastern Bluebird and Red Hawthorn

Montana ... Western Meadowlark and Bitterroot

Nebraska ... Western Meadowlark and Goldenrod

Nevada ... Mountain Bluebird and Sagebrush

New Hampshire ... Purple Finch and Lilac

New Jersey ... American Goldfinch and Violet

New Mexico ... Roadrunner and Yucca Flower

New York ... Eastern Bluebird and Rose

North Carolina ... Cardinal and Flowering Dogwood

North Dakota ... Western Meadowlark and Wild Prairie Rose

Ohio ... Cardinal and Red Carnation

Oklahoma ... Scissor-tailed Flycatcher and Mistletoe

Oregon ... Western Meadowlark and Oregon Grape

Pennsylvania ... Ruffed Grouse and Mountain Laurel

Rhode Island ... Rhode Island Red and Violet

South Carolina ... Carolina Wren and Carolina Jessamine

South Dakota ... Ring-Necked Pheasant and Pasqueflower

Tennessee ... Mockingbird and Iris

Texas ... Mockingbird and Bluebonnet

Utah ... California Gull and Sego Lily

Vermont ... Hermit Thrush and Red Clover

Virginia ... Cardinal and Flowering Dogwood

Washington ... American Goldfinch and Rhododendron

West Virginia ... Cardinal and Rhododendron Maximum

Wisconsin ... Robin and Wood Violet

Wyoming ... Western Meadowlark and Indian Paintbrush


  1. Hmmm. It's hard to pick favorites out of so many, but I think Tennessee's iris and Massachusett's black-capped chickadee! Great job, John, and I really enjoyed this series. :-)

  2. In this post I liked Wisconsin best :)
    And over all I can't pick a final winner,
    I like 5 of them:

    I think it's because of their great
    colours and pictures of the landscapes :))

    Thank you very much for showing
    all these and the tremendous work you've done!

    Have a wonderful day

  3. I can understand the popularity of both the cardinal (it's gorgeous shade of red) and the Western Meadowlark (it's delightful song). Thanks for doing the series, John!

  4. I enjoy dropping in t see your blog. Now with birds. We really do not have alot of birds like you are showing. So nice I can come here to see and read.

    Thank you for your comment on my blog today . Were you having trouble to enter my blog? Or just not enough time what you're doing to get back to others to comment. I do understand.

  5. Enjoyed your series. But remember, according to our president, we have seven more states to go, right?

  6. Choosing from these two, my favourite is the Wisconsin one. :)

  7. Thanks for all your work on this,'s been enjoyable. Don't you just love the robin....a for sure sign of Spring!

  8. i like red's explanation of utah.

    i love wisconsin - my home state. the return of robins for the summer and the appearance of wood violets were two of my favorite things growing up.

  9. I really couldn't pick a favorite but I'll pick Maryland because it's where I live.
    : )
    This has been fun series. I'm wondering what the next series will be.

  10. Definitely the mockingbird and magnolia, and I loved saying and spelling Mississippi as a child!

  11. My favorite is Kentucky :) Interesting fact about the California Gull.

  12. What great postcards.

  13. Of today's covers, my favorite is Wisconsin's robin and violets. They're always welcome first signs of spring here.

    Overall though, I'd say my favorite is Iowa's. I love goldfinches, the prairie roses in the ditches, and this beautiful land that holds so much of my family's history.

  14. The call of the common loon is exquisitely haunting. Still leaving oneself open to charges of being from the Loonies State leaves a little to be desired....:)

  15. The Meadowlark is a gorgeous bird, one of my favorites. Wonderful postcards!


Questions, Compliments, and/or Suggestions: If you ask a question, please check back here, on the blog, for an answer within, usually, a day or two. Thank you in advance for compliments. I’ll try to keep an open mind about suggestions. All comments are moderated. Please note: Comments with active links will not be published. Comments with an inactive link are probably okay.

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Welcome to John's Island. In this post ... 1. Snow in Seattle. 2. Vintage stamps from my stamp collection. 3. Colorful Seattle skies. 4....