Sunday, March 8, 2015

Greetings from Kansas City [1904]

From our collection of old postcards ....

Greetings from Kansas City ... postmarked 1904. Early on, for a relatively short period of time, post cards not produced by the U. S. Postal Service, were required to carry the statement "Private Mailing Card" ... this is an example. One side was ONLY for the address, the other side could be used for correspondence.

This card features The Southwest Limited ... a train that was operated between Chicago and Kansas City, by the Chicago, Milwaukee, and St. Paul Railway.

We are often fascinated by the way people are dressed in photos from this time.

If you enjoy birds, flowers, postal memorabilia ... Please check back with us tomorrow when we will resume our posts of the Official Birds and Flowers of our Fifty States First Day Covers collection. We have posted the first 15 states (Alaska through Iowa) in earlier posts this month. (Please check the archive for Parts 1 - 5. Part 6 will feature Kansas, Kentucky, and Louisiana.)

Thank you for stopping by John's Island.


  1. Their clothes look nice, but they sure
    weren't comfortable :)
    But those were the good old times, when
    the guys carried everything for the girls :))
    Have a beautiful Sunday!


  2. I like this postcard, the people do look like they were having a great time..Thanks for sharing, have a happy Sunday!

  3. The women look like they might be wearing bustles, since they are sort of tipped forward. I also smiled at the address. Gone are the days when you can write a name and a street in a city and have it arrive anywhere. :-)

  4. Im loving the outfits, I would definitely fall over boarding that train in all those skirts!!

  5. wow, sure doesn't leave a whole lot of room for correspondence!

  6. Special card! I love it. Th clothes are so nice.

  7. Just love the clothing from that era! Would be fun to go back for a wee bit and live like they did ... just for a day or two! Thanks for visiting John. Much appreciated.

  8. Our clothing have gone from one extreme to the other. : )

  9. Oooooh....I really love this one, John. I love music, clothing and just about everything from this decade. :)

  10. Great postcard, John, but those ladies don't look very comfortable!

  11. Trains were a very classy ride in those days. Cars hadn't started yet so there were no buses. Trains had all the traffic.

  12. I tend to think that back then ladies really looked like ladies.No jeans and t-shirts for them.

  13. Yes the men and women both dressed up much more in the olden days when they were out in public. I am sure glad I don't have to wear a corset and tight belts though, lol.

  14. Love the ladies' outfits! It is always interesting to see how people used to dress. As several others noted, both the men and women seemed to have dressed more formally.


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Welcome to John's Island. In this post ... 1. Snow in Seattle. 2. Vintage stamps from my stamp collection. 3. Colorful Seattle skies. 4....