Friday, March 6, 2015

Early March Skies and More

Early March in the Emerald City ... 

Sunset over Puget Sound
March 2

Daffs are in bloom

Blooms and buds

About ready to bust out

We like blue

Slipping in a bit of last year

Sunset over Puget Sound
March 5
We'll take a break from Birds and Flowers First Day Issues and resume next week. Thank you for stopping by John's Island.

Linking up with Skywatch Friday ... Thanks to the Skywatch hosts! Check out Skywatch for more great sky photos.


  1. Beautiful! Yes, spring is definitely here in our part of the world, isn't it? Love the pretty sunrise and sunset. From your new place? :-)

  2. The sunrise and sunset look pretty similar! It's so exciting to see Spring working its way in. But it is below freezing today, so wonder if the Bradford pear trees with their blooms will survive it. Supposed to warm up quickly.

  3. Pretty collection of images..The flowers are lovely.. And the sunset is gorgeous.. Thanks for sharing the beauty! Have a happy weekend!

  4. Gros plus pour la premiere phot,superbe ;o)

    Bravo !

  5. Just so lovely, John! Nice to see this color!

  6. Flowers and sunsets. What a gorgeous combination. Thanks....:)

  7. Oh such gorgeous scenes. I also wanted to say thanks for your comments on my blog. You are an encouragement to me.

  8. What a stunning view to wake up to. I bet your mornings are always refreshing and good out there.

  9. Great sunsets and I'll enjoy the early flowers.

  10. Looks like spring over by you. So nice to see some flowers. : ) A while before we see that yet here.
    Beautiful sunset.

  11. Beautiful and heartwarming series here, John, thanks so much for sharing.

  12. Spring is really there with you! :)
    Here is not so much to see of it ...
    Love those sunset pictures a lot
    and the one with a bit slipped in
    from last year :D
    Have a beautiful weekend!

  13. Beautiful skies, John! I especially like that first one!!

  14. What lovely scenery makes you glad to be alive !

  15. The sunset is gorgeous! Love to see the flowers blooming. With 70 degree temperatures in the forecast, it looks like spring will soon be here as well! I'm looking forward to it!


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Welcome to John's Island. In this post ... 1. Snow in Seattle. 2. Vintage stamps from my stamp collection. 3. Colorful Seattle skies. 4....