Thursday, April 2, 2015

All 50 State Flags on Postage Stamps [1976]

We spent most of March posting First Day Issues of the Official Birds and Flowers of the 50 United States of America. Now, from our collection, stamps with the State Flags.

In the American Bicentennial year -- 1976 -- the U. S. Postal Service issued postage stamps with the flags of the 50 States. First look at the sheet may leave the impression that they are all out-of-order, but they ARE in order ... just happens to be the order in which the states were admitted to the Union ... and that does seem appropriate for a Bicentennial celebration.

Here's the sheet of stamps ...

When viewing the whole sheet, note the interesting similarities and the few that are decidely different. Most have a blue background. We're proud of our green (Washington) and amazed at Maryland's design ... almost a racing flag. And now, for those of you who want to take a closer look ... some enlargements ...

We considered doing these one-at-a-time in a series ... JUST KIDDING! Seriously, though, don't you find flags interesting?

Thank you for stopping by John's Island.


  1. I found my state flag of Maryland right away.. I love all the flags, cool stamps. Thanks for sharing, enjoy your day!

  2. I lived in Colorado for so many years that the flag stood out to me right away, and I had to hunt for Washington. Thanks for the closeups, I had fun looking at them all. :-)

  3. I did not realize the post office had ever done that. I nice tribute to all our states. Kansas is my favorite!!!! Thanks for the interesting post. Mickie :)

  4. I wonder how many sheets of the flag stamps sold by the post office in 1976 have been used. I have three of the sheets in my collection. Interesting to note that first class postage in 1976 was 13 cents. I am partial to the Texas flag. I would bet more people living outside of Texas would recognize the Texas flag than any other state.

  5. There sure is lots of blue in these flags. Texas and the lone star are always easy to identify.

  6. This is a wonderful piece for a philatelist John!

    Now that you pointed out the flag of Washington state, I am prompted to read more about it. Btw, I need to go for training to Seattle, WA for my new job. No dates yet but hopefully during summer time :) It's interesting that you're from Seattle, WA.

    I am not tech-savvy so I don't know how to turn on replies to individual comments on my blog so I will respond here instead. :) As for the new hobby, it is the outdoors and yoga. But I injured myself too soon hence I am back into being a couch potato! Haha.

    It would be a bit creepy for me to think that the Buddha was winking. I am honestly scared of religious figures. But Buddha sculptures are more tolerable for me compared to sculptures of Catholic saints. Which is an irony because I am a Roman Catholic myself.

  7. Great post on the State Flags John. I don't collect stamps as such but I have a collection of old English stamps on envelopes my Dad sent to my Mum during WWII. I treasure them. I still enjoy buying unusual stamps that the USPS puts out.

  8. Great post on the State Flags John. I don't collect stamps as such but I have a collection of old English stamps on envelopes my Dad sent to my Mum during WWII. I treasure them. I still enjoy buying unusual stamps that the USPS puts out.

  9. This is perfect!! I like to see all the flags at once, and of course I love our California Republic one. However, I also like very much Oklahoma, Alaska and New Mexico - all of them "newer" states.
    Re your comment - yes, we call our area the North Coast, meaning the coastal area north of the Golden Gate. The Pacific is just 20 miles away as the crow flies, but with the hills and rough terrain it takes about 45 minutes to get to the ocean. However, we do get a lot of the coastal weather, especially the fog in the morning.

  10. Maryland is different as far as flag design goes.

  11. Very interesting seeing all the different state flags.
    Thanks for the prayers for my mom.

  12. I like these and also didn't realize the PO did this!

  13. My hubby used to collect stamps,but ended up selling them. I also wanted to stop by and wish you a Happy Easter.

  14. Stamps remind me of my childhood. My das used to collect stamps and on Sundays we were not allowed to move fast or caugh or sneeze or even breathe :)
    I find flags interesting when I find out how they were made, I mean how they chose the items that are on it.
    Sorry John, didn't mean to write this late, but blogger didn't show me your
    post :(
    Have a beautiful day

  15. It's great to see all the flags at once. I used to be enamoured of stamp collecting. Thankfully I didn't get too far with that hobby because I've got too much stuff as it is, lol. But I still do love seeing stamps or getting them from somewhere in the world.

  16. Oh! I love these beautiful stamps you have here John! I love flags and stamps and they are fused into these nice collection items :) I am so happy that everything in your blog just interests me, Postcards and Stamps and Flowers! Oh, I would love to apply for citizenship to this island!



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