Sunday, April 12, 2015

National Parks of the West [1935]

From our collection ... Adventuring through the National Parks of the West ... A Souvenir from the California Pacific International Exposition, San Diego 1935 ... Please click on the images for a larger view ...

The story begins …

“TRAVELER, in planning your national parks holidays, remember that each of these enchanted wonderlands is an adventure in itself. You must visit them all to know your national parks. Each surpasses all the others in some outstanding, incomparable natural wonder.”

Yosemite - Sequoia - General Grant

Lassen Volcanic - Crater Lake

Mt. Rainier - Glacier

Yellowstone - Teton - Carlsbad Caverns

Grand Canyon - Zion - Bryce

National Monuments
This little booklet was prepared and published by the Standard Oil Company of California in 1935.

Back Cover

Thank you for stopping by John's Island.


  1. What a great souvenir! I love our nations's national parks.. I have been to many of them you have listed.. Have a happy day!

  2. My boys and I have been reading about Lewis & Clark's adventure through the west. Imagine how some of these sights must have appeared to them! Truly a beautiful country we live in. Clever of Standard Oil to publish the book...was that an attempt to get everyone to drive out west? ;-)

  3. The first thing I noticed is the typeface is exactly what I think of from the 1930s. It's a wonderful booklet and a real treasure. Looking at the pictures around several of the descriptions is fascinating, too. Thanks, John. :-)

  4. Great looking information was handed out those days.
    And to me it seems like it was for free also :)
    Have a beautiful Sunday, John!

    Tinna ✐

  5. We love them all but flyfishing the backcountry Yellowstone best...:)

  6. What an incredible souvenir ! Truly a keepsake :)

  7. This was certainly high pressure. Now the standard oil company just blows my mind!

  8. Lovely book. I have one blogger friend whose goal (along with her husband) is to visit and hike every US national park. I think it's a great goal.

  9. What a great guide to our National Parks. I am going to enjoy reading these, thanks John.

  10. We have some amazing National Parks!!

  11. Hi John! I see that you're also keen with keeping paper souvenirs. I used to this until that trip to Scotland where I had to leave them behind. My luggage exceeded the allowance on the plane, too bad!

  12. This looks like a wonderful book! I love the National Parks and have been fortunate to ahve visited many. Each one has unique beauty. I only live an hour and a half away from Rockey Mountain National Park in Colorado and I visit it a couple times a year.

  13. So blessed to have National Parks. Of course you all have such magnificent scenery to go with it. Mountains, falls.

  14. Yosemite Nat. Park is my all time favorite - where I can paint to my heart's content! By the way, thanks for explaining what your "island" is:):)


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