Sunday, April 19, 2015

Mishima Maru [ca. 1909 - 1915]

From our collection of old postcards ...

Artfully designed card featuring S.S. Mishima Maru
Dates to 1909 - 1915
European Line of the Nippon Yusen Kaisha, built by Kawasaki Dockyard Co. Ltd., Kobe, Japan, 1909.

Card back -- Note stamp spot indicated by port hatch

Screen Capture from website
Beautiful Model of Mishima Maru
and some history
Link to Ocean Dictionary is here.


  1. Great post card, John! I love the model! Have a happy day and new week ahead!

  2. Lovely post cards from history John. They are indeed a treasure now :)

  3. Love the card - gives me the idea to draw on a shell :))
    Thank you for your kind words John, have a beautiful

    Tinna ✐

  4. Wow, that is an OLD postcard, all right. Very cool to have it and for you to share it with me. :-)

  5. I did a shipyard tour here in Gothenburg just a few hours ago. Ships and shipyards are new topics for me to learn about :)

  6. Nice old card and a bit unusual.

  7. Thd detail in the model is something to be admired!!

  8. I like the design on that first shot!

  9. So this looks like a combination freighter and liner for passengers.

  10. Such a pretty cards


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