Thursday, April 23, 2015

Recipe Week [P4] -- Beef and Rice

Continuing our Recipe Week ... From your postcard collector ... Recipes on postcards ...

"Delicious Beef and Rice"

Mountain West Prints published this postcard as one in a series featuring Mormon recipes.

This card is not too old ... probably '90s. Thank you for stopping by John's Island and stop by tomorrow for another recipe on a postcard.


  1. Good morning, John! Another great recipe.. I will have to try this, it sounds yummy.. Have a happy day!

  2. I could just have a plate of that its lunchtime and im starving !

  3. That's okay, John. I'll skip this one since I'm a vegetarian. :-)

  4. Looks yummy, except for the green olives on it. Not sure that would add anything good to the taste.

  5. This recipe I'm going to try, does not sound
    too heavy to me :))

    Have a great day!
    Tinna ✐

  6. I can't eat beef as it has caused gout for me, so I will skip this recipe. :)

  7. I like these recipe cards and now I am hungry :)

  8. Looks like an interesting dish to try! Now I'm feeling hungry--I better see if I can help my mom get lunch ready!

  9. Looks nice but I am not an olive fan though Ken loves them. : )

  10. I had no idea that this type of postcard was produced until recently.

  11. "Beef and Rice", a good recipe indeed!


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