Wednesday, April 1, 2015

Don't Miss the Sleeping Giant [Vintage Ad 1940s]

In this vintage ad from our collection, we see a couple enjoying a meal in the dining car as the waiter points out the window at the "Sleeping Giant" in the mountains ... What do you think ... do you see it?

This old advertisment and the artwork leaves us with a smile. Do you think the artist has exaggerated the giant in the mountain? : - )

We sure enjoyed all the comments on yesterday's post. What a range of comments! If you missed that post it's worth looking at just for the comments. Thanks to all of you who left a comment!

Thanks for stopping by John's Island.


  1. I've heard references to the sleeping giant before, but how interesting to feature the dining car on the train. Given the time, not surprised as to the racial distinction between the passengers and the servers.

  2. I see a reclining woman in the mountain, but no giant. And I've noticed the racial segregation in some of your previous posts. It was a different world then. But cowboys waving at the train is a new one. :-)

  3. Replies
    1. Yep, ... the 1940s ... and looking at it today sure shows how much progress we've made.

  4. I see cowboys. I would have loved to see them as long as they never wore kerchiefs over their face. Then I would not suspect a train robbery coming.

  5. I see the giant. And if it's a woman, she must be a giant woman, because the mountain sure ain't small :))
    Love the outer surface of that decade, but sure hate the way they treated people of different colours then. I'm brought up very different.
    Have a fine day, John!

  6. Travel in another age was style. it used to be the same way when we started with airline travel and then they began to cut costs and service and comfort have disappeared.

  7. I wouldn't have called the reclining woman "giant", neither do I think it's comfortable up there....
    I wish there were more trains in the States that we could travel with. The high speed trains in Europe are fabulous and very relaxing. It would be wonderful to have something like that here.

  8. Travel by train must have been grand in the 1940's. The view had to be incredible..Hopefully the worker enjoyed his job...Cool card!

  9. It's a lovely drawing and depiction of first class train travel. I know I'd love to see the "sleeping giant".


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Welcome to John's Island. In this post ... 1. Snow in Seattle. 2. Vintage stamps from my stamp collection. 3. Colorful Seattle skies. 4....