Tuesday, August 19, 2014

10 Oversize Pictorial Postcards -- ca 1920 -- [4]

We started featuring a set of 10 Pictoral Postcards from about 1920 a few days ago and continue now with the remaining 3 cards from this set ...

306. Street Scene in Minneapolis, Minn.
The image on the card above caused us to think about how things go in cycles. Back in the 1920s street cars were common in many larger cities. Here in Seattle, as in most cities, they were removed when cars became the preferred way to get around. Now, street cars are coming back, at least here in Seattle. As almost always, there are those in favor and those against the new transportation.

260. Celilo Falls, Oregon -- O. W. R. & N. Co.
Have you ever heard of Celilo Falls? We had not and were surprised that we hadn't due to the beauty of the falls in this image. The reason it's no longer talked about is that the falls were submerged by the construction of the Dalles Dam on the Columbia River. We discovered this little interesting tidbit of history about Celilo from Wiki:  "The name refers to a series of cascades and waterfalls on the river, as well as to the native settlements and trading villages that existed there in various configurations for 15,000 years. Celilo was the oldest continuously inhabited community on the North American continent until 1957, when the falls and nearby settlements were submerged by the construction of The Dalles Dam."

309. Moonlight on the Red River, Fargo, No. Dak. -- G. N. R. R.

Thanks for stopping by John's Island.


  1. I'm so sorry to learn about the loss of the Celilo communities and falls. Progress sometimes comes with a terrible price tag. Thanks for the great pictures and information, John.

  2. The last picture is particularly beautiful.

  3. I am love water falls and fountains. The serene water on the 3rd photo is as lovely as the second photo. Thanks for sharing these old keepsakes. Take care..

  4. These photos are really awesome, John. Love them all.
    When I lived in Dallas, Tx as a child, we rode the street cars every where we went. I have good, young memories of those times.

  5. I do like that postcard of Fargo.


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Snow Stamps Skies Ships

Welcome to John's Island. In this post ... 1. Snow in Seattle. 2. Vintage stamps from my stamp collection. 3. Colorful Seattle skies. 4....