Monday, August 11, 2014

Full Sturgeon Moon -- August 11, 2014

Just for the record, here it is, the Full Sturgeon Moon, this morning ... over Seattle ... one thing's for sure:  we won't get any closer to the moon this year.

From our view point the moon might look just a tiny bit larger this morning, but we have to really stretch things to call it "super". The moon does seem to be riding a little higher in the sky, though, if that has anything to do with it.

As interesting, if not more so, to us, was the moon's reflection last evening. During times of near full moon the moon rises in the east fairly close, time wise, to the sun's set in the west. These skyscrapers make for some interesting reflections. Last night, just after sunset, we noticed the moon's reflection on Two Union Tower ...

Thank you for stopping by John's Island.


  1. I saw it setting just a few minutes ago. It is definitely a lovely moon. Thanks for the pictures, John. Have a super day after a super moonset! :-)

  2. These are great shots.I like the reflections.

  3. Nice picture - our moon may have been super - but the clouds were super too!

    Glad you liked my blog - hope you return.

    Cheers - Stewart M - Melbourne

  4. Very nice pictures. You know Stewart. He is a fine man.

  5. Very nice John. I'm enjoying the supermoon but I think I like the harvest moon better, lol.

  6. interesting post on your super-moon sightings John; especially to see its light on the sky-scrapers too. Thanks for stopping by my birding blog too


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