Tuesday, November 11, 2014

Honoring our Veterans - November 11, 2014

Today is the day America honors her Veterans for their service to the country.

We like this old ad from our collection that celebrated the efforts of the military in World War II.

We say THANK YOU to all Veterans.


  1. I like your unique take on Veteran's Day, John. I love the story about where the tracks go. And yes, thank you to all who served and a special remembrance for those who did not come home.

  2. Thanks for the post, John....you have the most interesting collection of pictures to share with us, and the words behind this one are great.

  3. Veterans Day I think about my father. An Army Ranger who fought in the Pacific and received a Purple Heart and a Bronze Star. Glad we have a day to remember veterans.

  4. That a good pamphlet. Today in Canada we also remember those who died to preserve our freedoms. May they RIP and may their comrades be protected as they continue the fight wherever they are sent.

  5. We can't thank them enough. My husband was in the Navy for 20 years.


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