Thursday, November 6, 2014

Great Ship Calendar from 1973 [January]

In a box of really old papers we found a custom calendar from 1973 with some very nice art featuring ships.

The calendar is bound with a plastic comb binding.  Here is the cover ...

An excerpt describes the calendar as a custom production featuring the art of Woodi Ishmael.

The page for January is titled The Lurline at Honolulu, Hawaii ...

At the back of the calendar there are pages that provide info for each months art ...

We can see why we saved this calendar. It's a very nice production and, of course, we love ships. More from the calendar in the days ahead.

Thank you for stopping by John's Island.

A special Thank You to those of you who left us a comment on yesterday's post about organizing digital image files. Thanks for the tips. We will let you know if we get any great ideas from the new book.


  1. Yes, I can see why an inveterate collector like you would save this fine calendar, John. :-)

  2. John, I think you might be related to my hubby, who is also an avid collector of things. This is so interesting and the artwork looks like a photograph. Back in the early 1900s these were referred to as pulp artisits, painting and drawing for ads, etc. Are they still?

  3. A great calender and worth saving to look at again. : )

  4. That calendar is a piece of art!


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Snow Stamps Skies Ships

Welcome to John's Island. In this post ... 1. Snow in Seattle. 2. Vintage stamps from my stamp collection. 3. Colorful Seattle skies. 4....