Friday, November 7, 2014

Windy Sunset

A storm blew through Puget Sound yesterday with lots of wind and rain. We could write up a long paragraph about these storms but suffice it to say, We love 'em! The icing on the cake occurred as the evening approached. A beautiful pink sunset colored the clouds across a large part of the sky ... our panorama doesn't do it justice ...

Thursday, November 6, 2014
Sunset after a stormy day
in the Emerald City.
Thank you for stopping by John's Island.

Linking up today with Skywatch Friday


  1. John, looks great...I thought for a moment ou had taken it through your windshield with the wipers going.

  2. I was walking around in it. People on Lummi Island lost power, but it was quickly restored. I love it, too! :-)

  3. even though those 2 words usually don't go together, here they do: what a lovely storm!

  4. That is a beautiful sky. It's very windy here right now and temperatures are dropping. It will be a good night to stay indoors.

  5. I like how you mentioned cake in your post and then you've cropped the photo to look like a cupcake, lol. It is a beautiful sunset. I ventured out (walking and bussing) a few times this week in pouring rain. It was really coming down. Now I've got a headache and sore throat. I wasn't even cold or that wet! Or so I thought. It seems like you might have a good view from up high in a tower. If so you get some great photos of the sky, the ocean and storms. I remember this from when I had to live downtown Vancouver on about the 12th floor in a hotel one year. The photos from there were awesome :-)

  6. Excellent sky shot! I like the colors in the sky.

  7. I sure hope for a few days it clear but not looking for cooler temperatures.

    Coffee is on

  8. Oh I love those blue and pink skies.

  9. Nice - and I like the way its not been cropped!

    Cheers - Stewart M - Melbourne


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Snow Stamps Skies Ships

Welcome to John's Island. In this post ... 1. Snow in Seattle. 2. Vintage stamps from my stamp collection. 3. Colorful Seattle skies. 4....