Sunday, November 30, 2014

With and Without

Several weeks ago a loyal follower suggested we take another look at trees after fall colors are over ... so here is the "With" ...

Without ...

Getting these "before and after" or "then and now" pictures should be easy, right? It's not quite as simple as it seems, but it is a nice challenge!

Weather Update 

Yesterday, we had our first snowfall for the season. The accumulation was small here in downtown ... only noticeable on roof tops and tops of cars. (Photo below) Slightly north, in Snohomish County there was quite a bit more. (Snohomish County seems appropriately named for the occasion but actually it is named after a Native American tribe.) Later in the day, winds picked up, the skies cleared, and the temps dropped. Sunny days are forecast for today through Tuesday.

Cool Clouds

Last Wednesday, Nov. 26th, we looked out to see the interesting clouds in the photo below. Looking to the west, and a bit to the north, and considering the lighting of the clouds, this might be a scene expected around sunset, but no, this was a part of sunrise at just after 8:30 AM. This time of year the sun is about as far south as it's going to get on the eastern horizon. From our perspective it almost looked like the clouds were coming out of the top of one of the skyscrapers.

Thank you for stopping by John's Island.


  1. Great picture of before and after, John. And yes, the sun is now so low in the sky that it always seems to be shining in my eyes! :-)

  2. nice before and after comparisons! and happy snow fall!

  3. Nice post John! I like before and after shots though I seldom do these kind of posts myself, lol. I see that you got snowfall just like your neighbours to the north. Judging by the snow on the rooftops it looks like we got a little more where I live though probably downtown they had less. The heat from all the buildings downtown tends to keep the snow level much lower. Enjoy.

  4. Nice before and after shots. What a difference.
    All that snow we had. I woke up this morning and it was all gone!!

  5. Great job showing the same tree with leaves and without them. Kind of sad, but it gives us hope for the time when those little buds will appear on the branches.

  6. John,these photos are amazing. I like the before and after,but the cloud shot is the winner today,no doubt.Beautiful.

  7. Beautiful sky shot in that last photo!

  8. Thank you for visiting my (Card Blog). I do have a Photography blog that I hope you also stop by and visit. - We had snow here in (Wally World) aka, Walla Walla on Saturday, our 2nd of the year. This after a 65 degree day on Thursday for Thanksgiving. (


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Snow Stamps Skies Ships

Welcome to John's Island. In this post ... 1. Snow in Seattle. 2. Vintage stamps from my stamp collection. 3. Colorful Seattle skies. 4....